Just because something feels real and true, and you can give a million reasons why you have all the evidence to back it up, doesn’t make it Real.

And if you don’t like it, you have every reason to shift your thoughts so that they support you instead of keeping you stuck.

I recently uncovered a limiting belief that I had no idea was running in the background of my mind.  When I recognized it, I immediately used it to uncover what is Real so that I could re-engage my power and expand what was possible for me.

In conversation, my mentor said, “I learn really fast!”  She said it with absolute certainty and authority.

I immediately realized that I had a belief that it took me a long time to really internalize something.  And the habits that supported that belief were not effective.  I would read sentences over and over again, and return back to lessons to listen to the words again to make sure I had it down.

Shifting a belief can be as easy as just deciding that you choose something different from this point forward!

So here are 3 declarations that will give you the power to speed up the time it takes you to learn and apply.

  • I learn super fast!
  • I internalize and implement what I learn immediately.
  • I have quantum shifts daily that impact my life dramatically and positively.

Can you feel how powerful these simple statements are?

Try them and tweak them to fit your own style.  And let me know how they work for you!




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