How to Own Your Enoughness, Get What You Want, and Slay at Life!

Get my FREE eBook and Learn my Favorite 5 Ways to Own Your Enoughness, Get What You Want, and Slay at Life!

This Is Why LOA Doesn’t Work For You

Does it seem like you’ve been trying to make LOA work for you, but the harder you try, the less it seems to be on your side? Do you wish that it would just be as easy as everyone is making it look to manifest the “more” that you deeply want to experience in this...

The Myth About Ease and Flow Busted!

There's a lot of talk in the spiritual entrepreneurial world about ease and flow. And rightfully so!  It is time that there be more conversation around life working from a place of intuition, inspiration, and Soul-guidance. The only way (imho) to really be successful...

How to Find the Courage to Get Yourself Unstuck!

Getting unstuck takes courage.  Don't think for a minute that opening up to a bigger life is an easy path. You've been misled to believe that if things get uncomfortable then it wasn't meant to be, and so you sit and wait until you feel ready for the next move.  But...

Just because something feels real and true, and you can give a million reasons why you have all the evidence to back it up, doesn't make it Real. And if you don't like it, you have every reason to shift your thoughts so that they support you instead of keeping you...

Soul Expansion Is a Crazy, Sexy, Wild Effing Ride!

Soul expansion is a crazy, sexy, wild fucking ride. If you've ever experienced it on any level, you know exactly what I mean. New insights happen over night and you literally wake up a different person. Things that once held you back and plagued your mind no longer...

How to Allow When You Feel Empty of Inspiration

There are days when I have hits left and right on inspired thoughts and ways to serve my people. I feel in flow, thoughts come, then more, then even more until I feel completely unstoppable. I LOVE being used as a channel for Source to express His Divine message that...

There Is a Time to Do the Inner Work, and a Time to Leap

There Is a Time to Do the Inner Work, and a Time to Leap

What are you actually waiting for? Do you want to feel completely confident and certain that everything is going to work out your way before you step into the life you've been called to live? Are you still just doing the inner work, processing your energy, aligning...

I Was A Manifestation Failure!

I was pissed off at God. I literally studied manifestation long enough that I could've had a masters degree on the subject, yet my life still wasn't changing. I knew what was possible, and I believed I could have it, but I was tired of trying so hard and not getting...

When All Else Fails, Let Go!

When All Else Fails, Let Go!

Letting go should be so damn simple. Letting go should be so dam easy. So damn natural. Letting go is how we allow shit to flow easily into our lives! Why is it so damn hard sometimes? Because we want it our way, on our schedule, on our terms, exactly as we picture...

Step Into the Version Of You Who Is Already It!

Step Into the Version Of You Who Is Already It!

Want to know why you keep failing at your new year's goals? Because you keep looking ahead thinking that someday, somehow, you will be the person who has what you want, feels how you want to feel, and is capable of achieving what you now only dream of. You are living...

You’re Chasing Something That Will Never Make You Happy

I don't care what it is.   Money. Status. Love. Recognition. A better body. Success.   You swear that one day, when you have it, you will finally feel...   happy. relaxed. fulfilled. safe. loved.   But you're chasing something that will never make you happy.   There...

There Is No Instant Gratification–You Have to Stay the Course!

My message isn't always very popular.  Mostly people want that burst of inspiration that will light them up and make them all fuzzy and get them thinking all positively.  Which is great, and I love being inspired just as much as the next person, But sometimes truth...

Eventually You’re Going to Have to Start Being the Real You

I know that hiding out feels real safe right now. The fear of being judged by others just doesn't seem all that appealing. But you know just as well as I do that hiding out is eventually going to lead to a slow, painful kind of death. You might not physically die, but...

You Are The Best Person to Do What You’ve Been Called To Do

I think you need to hear something that maybe you've heard a million times before, or never at all, but today I hope that it lands on your heart where you can really absorb the intensity and truth of my words. You are not only qualified to answer the calling of your...

Today Is All You Have. How Much Will You Show Up For Life?

Are you still waiting for some distant, far-off day to come before you choose to really show up for life? What could your life be like if you showed up today as if it was already here?  Because it actually is. There is no such thing as tomorrow.  Tomorrow only exists...

You’ve Been Looking at Challenges All Wrong!

The way you've been looking at the challenges in your life is failing you. Right now, you think that when shit comes up that you don't like, you pray it away, asking for life to be easier somehow. I want to suggest that that is the wrong kind of prayer. Sure, asking...

Do Negative Things Happen to High Vibe People?

If you're high vibe, does it mean negative things don't happen to you? Only people who are in denial or are trying to sell you their high-vibe cool-aid will say "no". Life happens. And OFTEN things don't go the way you expected them to. I used to be the poster child...

This Is The End Of Manifesting As You Know It

Manifesting as you know it is about to end. You are about to be taken down the rabbit hole of Reality to a place your ego has never been and will never go to. You are about to see life from a completely elevated space, where things just work....Not because of anything...

What do you do when fear takes over? Are you allowing it to guide your decisions, your choices, and therefore shape your future reality? What reality are you creating for yourself by submitting to fear and allowing it to win at it's game?  Fear's goal is to keep you...

Before Power, You Must Love

If you are seeking more of your divine power, there's something you have to do before it will be revealed to you. Seeking that power, that knowing, that deeper connection with who you really are....I had been making that my prayer for months.  The notes in my journal...

You Can Have What You Want Much Faster Than You Think

Manifesting has felt like a struggle for me in the past.  If I'm being honest, getting what I want doesn't always come to me easily still. Sometimes I get hung up on needing something to come on my timeline, or in my way, or in order to feel better about my life. When...

Relax, It’s All Coming to You

You've been feeling impatient for a while now. Wondering when, When, WHEN will your abundance show up? Where is your miracle?   How long do you have to wait?   How long do you have to worry, stress, TRY to make things happen before they actually DO?   Your mind is...

You Are Divine and It’s Time You Remember

Today is the day that you wake up. I'm here to shake you up a little.  Shine light on a memory that you might have forgotten.  Remind you that you are more than mere human. You came to this planet for a purpose.  There was a plan set in place (with your participation...

Is Feeling Not Good Enough Blocking You From Manifesting Money?

With all the talk that's happening around money blocks and confidence, I don't see too many people actually combining them and drawing the connection that one effects the other. Entrepreneurs block themselves from receiving money through their business in ways that...

You Don’t Have to Wait For Confidence To Do the Thing

How long are you going to wait before you just begin with where you are, jump, and do the thing? You still waiting to feel more confident?  More capable?  More talented like the others that are already doing it? When will the self-judgement be too much, too heavy, too...

When to Be In Creative Flow, and When to Make a Plan

Being in creative flow is one of the most important essentials in my daily work.  I rely on inspiration to give me the thoughts to think, the words to say, and the guidance to show me the best steps to take that will help me serve my purpose in the most effective and...

Do You Feel Like Nothing You Do Matters?

I know the frustration of grinding and working hard for what you love without the outer confirmation that it even matters to anybody. I know the frustration of feeling unsupported by everyone you love because they just don't see the vision that you have in your heart....

How to Make Jealousy Work In Your Favor

I swore I would stop reading it.  This blog written by a multi-million dollar coach kept triggering me, angering me, making me all kinds of jealous. I hate feeling jealous. So I decided to stop reading her blog and emails.  Kind of.  😉  I never unsubscribed, and then...

Now Is the Time, Don’t Wait!

Who is it that you want to be?  You have that burning desire within to become more, I know you do. But you're waiting!  You're waiting for things to change.  For your circumstances to shift.  You're waiting for confirmation from the Universe that you are worthy enough...

How Serious Are You About Receiving What You Desire?

You say you want that thing you want.  You want it so bad that you can hardly stand the excitement of it all!  Oh how wonderful life would be if only.... If only you could figure out a way to make it happen.  If only you could wave your magic wand and finally get what...

To Get Unstuck, First Accept

If you ever intend to get unstuck from where you are, you're first gonna have to accept that you're here. You don't have to like where you are, and you don't have to decide to stay here for another minute.  But you MUST recognize that you are here now.  This is...

Are You Working Too Hard at Manifesting?

Manifesting what you want isn't supposed to be difficult.  You working hard at getting it right isn't going to make things happen any faster.  Actually, you'll be slowing yourself down considerably, doll.  The most natural thing you were ever meant to do is manifest. ...

Can You Really Have It All?

Of course the short answer to this question of can you really have it all is "YES!"  I know without a doubt that any desire that is born in your heart is possible and available for you. But I have a unique spin on the details to this answer, compliments of Gabby...

You Don’t Have to Believe Everything You Think

Thoughts are sticky, tricky things. The thoughts we are in the habit of thinking often tend to feel more like truth than something we have a choice to believe. But are those habitual thoughts serving you?  Do you feel good when you think them? Because if the answer is...

Everything Really Is Always Working Out For You!

Everything Really Is Always Working Out For You!

I thought today was going to be off-the-charts-amazing after a deep, connected meditation and a restful night's sleep. Instead, the kids went haywire, fighting and threatening to tell Santa to put each other on the naughty list. And my keys got locked in the running...

Do You Want to Uplevel To Live a Larger Life?

My prayer has been "God, guide me!" for years.  Today I finally allowed it to happen. I was remembering when I first started journaling consistently maybe 2 years ago, when I was really struggling to feel confident about what I had to say to the world.  As a new...

What Does Having Money Have to Do With Spirituality?

Money and spirituality.  What do they have to do with each other? Can you have God and have plenty of money too? Can you have plenty of money and still have room for God? These questions are almost ludicrous to me now, but there was a time when I felt guilty for...

Wealth Is An Inside Job

If you've been praying, on your knees, asking God to deliver you... Requesting a miracle so that you can be free.... You've got to know, and remember always, that the miracle has already happened.  You are free in this moment.  You have been delivered (and actually,...

Just When You Thought You’ve Got This

Just when you think you've got this, everything is ok now, it's all working out....   Something crazy happens. Our minds want to convince us that we're totally good now, we don't need to stay rooted and grounded in Truth.  There's no need now that everything is...

Everything Really Is Always Working Out For You

You know that saying, "Everything is always working out for me!"...   Do you believe that? Like, really, deeply?  Do you believe that everything, regardless of what it is, no matter what, really is happening for your good?   Do you affirm it when life gets hard?  And...


You've been telling yourself so long now that you can't show up like all the others do because you don't sounds as good, look as good, know as much.... Stop telling yourself you arent that smart. Quit repeating those patterns that just show up as true in your life...

You Have Infinite Potential Right Now!

You Have Infinite Potential Right Now!

Infinite. Let's explore that word for a moment.  What does that mean to you?  Can you even wrap your head around it?  Unlimited and forever.  When I think of how much I love my children, infinity might be easier to understand.  It's forever and ever and all possible...

Being Selfish is the Most Selfless Way To Live

Being Selfish is the Most Selfless Way To Live

You don't need to shy away from what you want. And don't you dare settle for anything less than your desires! Do not for one minute think that you don't deserve or can't have the picture perfect life with all the things that fulfill and excite you! You are so...

Life Is Waiting For You to Show Up So It Can Bless You!

It's time that you start taking your own advice, acting on the wisdom that you have, and doing what you know it takes to have success on all levels. You can't mess around anymore.  Life is waiting for you to show up so that it can show up for you.  But if you keep...

Why Are You Still Making Life So Damn Hard?

Why are you still making life so damn hard?  Why do you continue to think this way when you already know that your mind is your only obstacle?  Why don't you just realize once and for all that you have everything you need inside of you to have what you want? Life...

Want What You Want, but Don’t Think You Can Have It?

There's nothing worse than wanting what you want, but not believing you can have it.  Especially when there's an urgency around having it.  Like when the bills are due and you don't know how you're going to pay for them. Fear, doubt, and worry will block you from...

You Can Begin Again In Any Moment

It doesn't matter where you've been.  But I've noticed you've been off your game for a while. Not too bad, but not playing all out.  What's going on?  Do you feel like you're losing momentum?  Have you stopped your manifesting magic and can't remember exactly how to...

You Can Just Decide That Life Gets to Be Good For You

Don't you think it's time to give up the struggle? Aren't you tired of trying to make everything work out? I get caught up in this tailspin so often and bring myself back squarely to my reality of choice (because it's always a choice) that I'm no longer available for...

What If You Just Knew That You Were Enough Already?

Does it seem terrifying to think that maybe you could just show up without any proper training, education, external influence, and already be enough, have enough to share and give in order to be successful? Most people would not be okay with just trusting that all you...



Think about that. You become who you think you are. Not the other way around. You weren't born with certain limitations or the ability to only develop certain talents. You were born with the ability to achieve anything your heart desires. You have within you RIGHT NOW...

How to Discover Your Hidden Gifts and Talents

Writing and speaking about spirituality, manifesting, and partnering with the Universe to reach your highest potential has always been something I've wanted to do.  And while I'm pretty proud of how far I've come, I realize I still have a ways to go.  Practicing even...


You didn't started your online biz so that you could struggle and force things to happen. You didn't want to try so hard to make sales and get clients. Your intention wasn't to post and record videos so that people would buy your stuff. You started this business...

What You Want Wants You

What you want wants you.  I've heard this before and thought, "What a cute little way to look at things!"  It made me smile a superficial smile, not fully grasping the depth and meaning. Too often a really meaningful Truth can be overlooked as a quaint and adorable...

Are You Denying Your Soul’s Calling?

You've always know it was true.  It's amazing that you played yourself this long, really.  Aren't you tired of the games?  Aren't you done pretending you are someone you aren't?  Isn't it tiring running around in all different directions and putting on this act and...

The Unsexy Yet Powerful Way to Live In Peace and Alignment

Much of the inner work that we do to experience more wealth, joy, health, and success has to do with realigning our thoughts about ourselves, our worthiness, our ability to create with the Truth of unlimited possibility.  Super exciting, right?  We get to empower...

What It Really Means to Surrender

When you really, Really, REALLY want something, one of the most difficult things you have to do is to surrender. Surrender is one of those very misunderstood words.  It draws an image of letting a dream go and trying not to care about it anymore. But when you...

Good Luck Living The Life Of Your Dreams If….

So you say you want to have it all?  You want the life of your dreams?  You know you can have it, you believe with all your heart it's already yours.  Can you see it?  You can almost taste it! So what the fuck are you doing about it? Good luck having it all if you let...

Sometimes You Just need to Go Easy On Yourself

Just as I think I have it nailed.  I tell my friend, "I can't believe it took me so long to really get it.  But now, I get it.  It all makes sense.  Nothing matters except that I'm connected to God.  And when I'm available to that Spirit, everything feels good, it...

What Do You Choose?

You think that this world is so real.  Looking around, touching, hearing, tasting.  Our senses tell you that this is IT!  And you react to what you observe about this world and about yourself. I like that.  I don't like that.  I really don't like that.  I can't have...

Life Really Is Sweet, Isn’t It?

Flow.  This flow I keep asking for more of.  How did I do without it before I knew?  It feels so good, so right. So clear. I want to blog about it.  I want everyone to be able to experience this.  This feeling, this clarity, this's available to you,...

Now Get To Work, Bitch!

I have Britney Spears song in my head right now!  It totally pumps me up when I'm working out! Ok, that's not even the topic of this post though.  But I thought it was fitting with the title! I think most of us feel like we are beyond the basics of manifesting.  You...

Are You Blocking Yourself From Receiving?

You've heard about law of attraction so much that the word almost makes you roll your eyes.  The Secret?  Puuleeeeeeez!!!!  Manifesting?  Of COURSE it's possible.  Of COURSE these laws are Truth.  Of COURSE it happens daily.  Of COURSE miracles are unfolding.  Of...

How to Reconnect to Source When You Feel Disconnected

The feeling of being totally connected and guided and in flow is amazing.  Almost indescribable.  You can really only know by experience, and once you tap into it, it's impossible to not want it all the time.  Do you know what I mean?  Have you been there?  Have you...

How to Cash In On Your Abundance!

How often do you look at what you have (or don't have) and wish you had something different?  Something more?  Something better?  Something different?  You should be grateful, and you are to a degree, but there's so much more that you want and there's really no sign...

How to Feel Better Now!

You can have it all.  It has already been given to you, the moment you asked. You may have asked on bended knee, knowing damn well you were asking.  Or you might have asked simply by observing what you don't want, sending off a request subconsciously for more.  In...

How To Become A Magnet For What You Want

There was a day when I used to pray to a God "up there", very hopeful that He would hear me. I was often disappointed when I didn't receive an answer, or get what I was asking for. I thought maybe my prayers weren't heard, or they weren't important enough.  Or maybe I...

My Journey Out of Fear Into Living Fabulous

Fear.  It can be paralyzing. For years. I never allowed myself to put myself "out there" because there was a good chance I'd fall flat on my face.  And how embarrassing is that?? Although I had a message inside of me shouting to come out, begging to be heard.  It was...

step into a life that
excites you

If you are ready to step into a life that excites you, lights you up, and empowers you to live without limits, then you are in the right place!

Welcome! I can’t wait to share all I know about transforming your life and helping you manifest miracles!

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Femme Force is an online community where spiritually-minded women deepen their realization to the power within them and wake up to their full potential as a co-creator of their reality.

How to Own Your Enoughness, Get What You Want, and Slay at Life!

Get my FREE eBook and Learn my Favorite 5 Ways to Own Your Enoughness, Get What You Want, and Slay at Life!

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