Wealth is everywhere like oxygen. And it is available to you right here and now.

You might be blocking it with your limiting thoughts and beliefs around money, but it IS available nonetheless.

I never had a hard time believing this to be true. I knew by the example that others had set, and by the feeling that I had inside.

What I DID have a hard time with is believing in MY ability to let go and allow.

I worried that I would block my miracles from manifesting because I was doing something wrong. Missing a step. Messing it all up.

What if I made a huge decision and then couldn’t manifest the money because all my fears kept coming up?

What if I couldn’t allow God to hand over the goods?

I knew it was up to me to allow. And I’d failed myself in the past….royally.

Have you ever felt this way? Having full faith in the Universe but doubt in yourself? Knowing God is fully capable of handing you blessing after blessing but feeling like you are incapable of receiving?

It’s funny how we trick ourselves into thinking it has to be so hard. It’s amazing how much credit we give the ego when we have the power of the Universe as our ultimate Source (and have you forgotten the ego is simply an illusion anyway?)

When your crazy mind starts chattering away and telling you that you’re such a loser, you can’t do ANYTHING right, you keep messing shit up…..

Remind that crazy mind of who you’ve handed control over to.

There is nothing that you can do to mess things up. The Universe is self-correcting. You can’t get it wrong. There is nothing you can do to throw Source off It’s game.

In every moment that you feel fear…..trade it in for FAITH.
FAITH in the unseen. Because the unseen world is real, and what you can see with your eyes is what you’ve made up in your mind.

In every moment that you feel discontent…..trade it in for GRATITUDE.
GRATITUDE that you are always taken care of. Taken care of by the Divine. Intimately loved, held, and adored!

In every moment that you feel doubt creep in….trade it in for KNOWING IT IS DONE!

It is done now and all you have to do is allow.

It’s easier than you’re making it out to be.

All of this was meant to be easy.

And if you could just return back to who you were, no influence from your parents or friends, no impact from your experiences; if you could just rewrite your story so that you knew from the beginning and never forgot who you were…

You’d be able to ask and it would be given.

Just like that.

See!  Easy, right?

You would be able to focus with an unobstructed view and just claim what you wanted and it would be yours.

You would simply choose and experience.  And then choose again because it’s never done.

One desire always leads to the next.

We’re constantly evolving and growing and refining our desires.

It’s never done.  It never will be.

What would you ask for if you believed there were no limits?

How much money would be more than enough to live in total comfort, with the vacations, second home, support, splurges, charity, shopping, gifts, investments, and all the things?


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