Sometimes You Just Have to Show Up For Your Purpose Work Even When You Have No Clue What to Say!

Sometimes You Just Have to Show Up For Your Purpose Work Even When You Have No Clue What to Say!

Doing what you love might mean that in the long run, you are filled with joy and the feeling of fulfilling your purpose here on earth.  But there will be times when you would just rather walk away!

Like today, for me.  I’m sitting here with a blank slate, no idea about what I’d like to talk about.  No clue what my soul is asking  to express.  And yet, because I know that this is the work that I have chosen to show up for every single day, I still sit and discipline myself to do it.

I’d love to say that creative expression just happens the second I summon it.  But that is rarely the case.  Sometimes it emerges in the most convenient moments when I’m just falling asleep or want just 10 more minutes in bed in the morning.  I could be driving or talking with a friend and all of a sudden a rush of great content comes streaming from my mouth and I have to write it all down now now now!

And then there are times like today when I stare at my screen and wonder what it is supposed to look like.  Which words will eventually end up in this post that might move someone to tears, or inspire that one person I was meant to inspire today.

I never really do know, you know?  I don’t plan these things out.  It’s not my style (anymore!) to try to control my life and everything in it, including the things I say, until I say them.

I figure it’s best left for God.  I’m still learning a lot, but one thing I’ve really figured out by now is that the only way to experience inner peace more of the time is to give every second over to God and allow Him to direct my path.

It only makes sense, when you think about it.  God can see so much further in time than I can.  And from where He stands, it’s all figure-outable.

I used to be a control freak.  I had to have everything my way.  And if it didn’t turn out the way that I wanted (and let’s be honest, sometimes they don’t!), I would have a shit fit and my happiness would be out the window.

I’m not gonna lie, that control freak still exists inside of me.  She tries to control the show quite frequently.  And when I allow her to do that, I end up feeling really bad rather fast.

But when I catch it fast enough, and remind her how things turn out when we can hand things over to a wiser version of our self, I immediately feel better.

So here I am, not trying to control anything, but just showing up to be a vessel for whatever message that wants to come through.  And I think that the muse has once again spoken in the most mysterious way that she often does.  Just the sweetest message that can be heard from anyone who is ready.

Show up for life in whatever way you can, and allow God to be the master of your ship.

You don’t have to have it all figured out.  That would take the mystery out of it, and mystery is so much fun!  The unknown allows us to be adventurous, curious, child-like.

Be open to receive instruction for your day on a minute to minute basis.  Allow yourself to not know what is in store.  Be ready for an adventure.  And then open your ears and listen for instruction and guidance.

Even on those crazy days when you can’t hear it, you can always know that it’s there.  Perhaps you need to tune in, but it IS there.

And I’m not only referring to receiving inspiration for an awesome blog post.  I’m also talking about guidance on what to say, where to go, who to spend time with, how to love yourself more, how to feel better.

All the advice and guidance you require to live a joy-filled life is available 24/7!

What can you do to be more receptive?

Have you quieted your mind today?  Just a few, quiet minutes without any thoughts or distraction?

Have you started a dialog with your Higher Self to hand over your priorities and ask for help?

Have you made feeling good your ultimate goal, requesting that God helps you to see things that you might be judging differently?

How interested can you be in the mystery of life that has not unfolded yet?

Let’s both, you and me, agree that things tend to work out better when we stop trying to control everything and just hand it over.  Just like that.  Not always easy.  But it doesn’t have to be difficult.

Can you do that?

Yea, me too.

And it really does feel so good.

Love you!


When Complaining and Commiserating No Longer Feel Like the Best Option

When Complaining and Commiserating No Longer Feel Like the Best Option

I used to engage in back-and-forth conversation of complaining and commiserating because I was afraid of hurting someone’s feelings by asking them to change the subject.

Today that all changed.

I just couldn’t.

I was talking with some women, waiting for my daughter’s bus, and the negativity started….

They were complaining about how expensive shit was, from gas prices to medical insurance.

“If it’s not one thing, it’s another!” Once chimed.

“When it rains it pours!” the other agreed.

I was silent. It was like nails on a chalk board.

I wanted to get all coach-y on their asses, but I know better by now. Unless they are ready to hear it, they won’t.

They meant no harm. I do realize. And they aren’t unlike the VAST majority of people who just talk about the shit that’s not working.


The few minutes I was listening felt like an eternity and suddenly, mid-conversation, I called the younger two back to the car to buckle them in and get the hell out of dodge as soon as the bus arrived.

Something inside of me yelled, “RUN!”

And as dramatic as this sounds, I swear, it really was!

My vibration means more to me now. It’s not worth lowering to make someone else feel better. It’s not worth taking a dip emotionally to not look like an ass hole.

Judge me! I really don’t care. Peace! I’m out!

And just like that, I’ve made a new decision in my life. I’m not going to be part of a conversation that is focused on the problem and not the resolution. I refuse to talk to anyone who wants to complain for the sake of complaining.

I won’t listen to others judge, commiserate, bring others down, insult…..

Not because I’m better than anyone else.

Not because any of these people are bad or wrong.

Simply because I value my vibration and I know what happens when I feel good, and I know what happens when I feel bad. And I prefer to feel good because that’s when good things happen for me.

You know it’s true too. But sometimes you think it’s hard to look away. The drama is interesting, and sometimes even funny, and you feel like you’re part of the club when you’re involved in conversation.

And will it really hurt anyone that bad if you just laugh along and agree with the naysayers and throw in your two cents about how expensive the price of what-the-eff-ever someone is complaining about?

No. It’s not a big deal. Really, it’s not.

You’ll just stay stuck in the same place you are now, manifesting more expensive prices and no way to afford things because that’s where you are placing your attention.

So if that’s ok, then by all means…head on over to the bus stop and join these other women.

But for me, (and I’m assuming you!) I’m ready to separate myself from the flock of chickens and fly like an eagle!

I’m not willing to sacrifice any of my time/energy/focus on a thought that does not serve me.

I love myself too much. I love this life too much. I honor my inner guidance too much. I love God too much.

Life is too good to not live it fully! Why would anyone make the choice to be unhappy and completely cut off to the source of life when it’s always available?

The answer is nobody would….consciously.

Nobody WANTS to feel bad.

Nobody LOVES complaining.

It’s just what feels normal.

But it’s NOT normal. It’s far from normal. It’s completely abnormal to live in that space/vibration where nothing feels “on”.

When you’re in a funky mindset, that’s your inner guidance telling you, “You’re not creating a positive outcome in this moment. You can turn this train around before it manifests. Do you want to?”

And if you ignore it, more evidence of your misalignment is going to show up to give you another opportunity to change your mind/focus.


Just reach for something that feels a little bit better. Reach for something that feels a little less bad! You don’t have to be blissful today! You just have to feel slightly better than you did before.

What are you doing that is holding you out of alignment with your source? Complaining, gossiping, judging? Witnessing gloom and doom? Expecting the worst case scenario?

Is it worth it babe?

Just ask yourself, is it?

NO. Because your biggest desire in life is simply to feel good.

What makes you feel good?

Do more of that.

Comment 👇 what you’d like to do more of (or less of!) that will make you feel better when you do!

Everything Really Is Always Working Out For You!

Everything Really Is Always Working Out For You!

I thought today was going to be off-the-charts-amazing after a deep, connected meditation and a restful night’s sleep.

Instead, the kids went haywire, fighting and threatening to tell Santa to put each other on the naughty list.

And my keys got locked in the running car which had to be opened by a locksmith, making my day start late and my daughter late for school.

Understandably, my small self started creating stories filled with questions that dramatically limit my ability to allow miracles.

“Why did this happen?”

“What else can go wrong?”

“How did I create this??”

“What am I doing wrong?”

And obviously these questions don’t serve me, right?  Because I create my reality based on the questions that I ask.  So the better question to ask would be,

“How can this work out in my favor?”

“I wonder how I can open myself up to receive a miracle in this moment!”

“How can I be soft on myself and allow God to take control?”

I’m learning over and over again that whatever is happening in front of my eyes matters considerably less than what is happening in my mind.  If I pay attention to what has already happened, focusing on it, getting mad about it, making it mean something negative, then that’s what I will continue to experience.

Yet, if I don’t take score unless it works in my favor, and then start creating my future reality by going within, then regardless of my circumstances…

I’m at peace.

And yes, I will continue to experience less and less of these silly situations, but even if I’m surrounded by chaos, I’m cool because I know that God’s got it all taken care of.  My well-being cannot be threatened.

The Universe is self-organizing and self-correcting.  So if something happens that doesn’t work out for me, then it’s simply not over.

If I wait until everything is working out perfectly and nothing goes wrong with my day before I start to feel good and trust the process, I’m going to live my entire life miserable, upset, and wondering why God isn’t helping me.

But the main point of this life isn’t to live without struggle.

I would say that on the contrary, we need to figure out how to deal with what life hands us with ease, grace, and trust.

Nothing really is that big of a deal.  I mean, I could look at this morning as a disaster.  But really, do I want to recreate that in my life?  I can just as easily appreciate the fact that the kids weren’t already buckled up in the car before it locked, we are all safe, and right now everything has been resolved and I’m back in my zone.

You do create your reality.  Everything in your life is happening by you and for you.  The faster you own that, the easier it will be to find joy and gratitude in all things.

How will you CHOOSE to interpret the results that happen?  How will you choose to see the physical manifestations that are constantly happening?

A great question to ask yourself is, “What can I learn from this?”

When there is a lesson that you can take away that will improve your future experience, then immediately you can start to feel better about virtually anything.

And then you can simply hand the rest over to God.

I could’ve gotten pissed that I had to fork out almost $100 for a lock-smith.  And while it did cross my mind initially, I realized that that thought didn’t feel good.  So I reminded myself that God is infinitely wealthy, meaning that I am therefore infinitely wealthy, and I have the money to cover it.

I could’ve complained about my kids behavior and threatened to stay home all day if they continued acting like little ass holes, but that definitely didn’t feel good either.  So I decided to wait until they were behaving more civilized and praised them for their behavior.  I also handed my frustration over to God because they can drive me bat-shit crazy sometimes and I just don’t know HOW to look at that from a positive light.  So I just hand it over and forget about it.

And now that I’ve written this blog post, I really do feel better about the whole thing.  And I realize that if this message can uplift even one person, then that alone is worth it to me.

Even though happiness is always the goal, it’s not always your current mental state.  And that’s ok.  Being taken out of your happy zone momentarily makes those moments when you are feeling high on life even more exciting and fun.

So next time you encounter a challenge, maybe something small like my car situation this morning, or maybe something more serious that takes total commitment to rise above, remember that everything really is working out for you.

Things just might not make sense from where you stand in this present moment.  But it doesn’t mean that God isn’t constantly working miracles on your behalf.

Nothing has any meaning except for the meaning that YOU give it.

YOU are powerful!  YOU are the creator!

What meaning would you like to assign to the events of your day?

Today and everyday!

I would love to hear your comments!


The Story You Keep Telling Yourself Is the Beginning of Manifestation

The Story You Keep Telling Yourself Is the Beginning of Manifestation

Have you listened to yourself lately?

Not only when you speak out loud, (and yes, that IS part of it), but also when you talk to yourself?  When you start to spin that next story in your head about what he said, she said, what they meant, how they treated you, what you can experience with your 5 senses?  All of it!

How is that story making you feel?  Because you know damn well that

If you aren’t feeling good when you tell yourself that story, it’s not going to be something that makes you feel good when it manifests into form.

Your story is the first step in manifesting.  Manifestation isn’t about just choosing some material thing and focusing on having it until it magically shows up at your front porch.  Manifestation, as a deliberate creator, is about managing your vibration so that the universe can arrange your life in miraculous ways.

Our lives are filled with stories.  That’s what your mind does.  It creates stories.  But if you have been creating stories with your mind without bringing consciousness to them, then you will continue to get the results that you’ve been getting.

The results in your life are a reflection of the stories you tell yourself!

How committed are you to your stories?  How “honest” do you want to be about things?  Maybe he did screw you over, maybe you did mess up that job interview, maybe everyone around you would agree that the system is fucked or whatever it is that you’re telling yourself and everyone else.

But you continue to make it true by holding your focus on it.

So do you want to be right?  Or would you rather be happy?

Do you want to be right?  Or would you rather be at peace?

Do you want to be right?  Or would you rather reclaim your power and create a future that you will love the results of?

It really is your decision.  And God isn’t judging one way or another.

But if you choose to be right, you will likely create a lot of drama in your life, experience limitation, and feel bad most of the time.

And if you choose happiness, peace, and inner power, then life will just seem to flow effortlessly, things that you want just show up, and best of all, you feel fucking good!

Just so you know though….

You can’t be right while at the same time be happy, at peace, and in your power.

Now, choosing the high vibes isn’t always taking the easy road.  Actually, most of the time it takes self-discipline because your ego doesn’t want to let go.  Your ego wants to be right, even if it means you feel victimized.  Victimization puts you in a place where a lot of people will support your misery.  (Which is the main reason so many people choose to stay in victimization instead of power!)

Yesterday I witnessed a situation within my family that felt very unfair to my children.  I wanted to tell several people about it because my ego wanted confirmation that I was right and this other person was evil.  I stayed in my story for about an hour before I realized that I was feeling like shit and I didn’t want to feel that way any more.  I started reminding myself that no matter how real this feels, it’s just a story I’ve made up in my head.

Identifying that this bad feeling is being caused by the story I’m telling myself is step 1.  Bringing consciousness into any story dismantles it’s power over you.

I also felt more powerful when I remembered that God is my source of everything.  So if this particular person didn’t provide something for my children, no big deal!  God has infinite was to bless my family.

That feels WAY better!  So as I start to form this new story, I know I’m creating a more empowering future for myself.

And that really is the only thing that matters.

But what happens after that is nothing short of a miracle.

That same person who I needed to release from being responsible for my children’s joy actually came out of the woodwork to support me and the kids the very next day.

But it only happened once I released my expectation from that person.

And even if it didn’t turn out that way, it would’ve been ok.  Because God would ensure that the kids were supported regardless of who showed up to help.

Don’t you love knowing that you can just let everyone else off the hook, and put 100% of your trust in God, who will never, ever, ever fail you, always has your best interest in mind, and knows you better than you even know yourself?

Confession Time: I Spent Over $10k Looking For Answers Outside of Me

Confession Time: I Spent Over $10k Looking For Answers Outside of Me

Confession time: I spent over $10,000 looking for answers outside of me, when all along they were waiting to be discovered within.

I felt empty. Stuck. There was so much that I wanted and every single day that passed, I felt more desperate to get unstuck.

Whatever the fuck that even meant.

I had a vision for my life. I wanted to be a powerful speaker and life-changer, inspiring women to reach higher heights, be in control of their destiny, and manifest some really cool shit in this lifetime.

I wanted to be a messenger for God/the Divine.

And I KNEW that I was called for just that.

But that vision was only tangible from the expanded version of me; from my higher self.

My small self never felt good enough. From that perspective, I just couldn’t do it. I never knew what to say, feared being judged, wondered what other people thought.

I showed up trying to just say what I thought people wanted to hear or maybe not even that. There were days when I’d just show up because I thought I was supposed to. I had to make an “appearance” so that FB would continue to show my content.

Although my prayer each day was: “God, speak through me. Allow your words to flow from my mouth and influence my message. Just let me be the messenger!”

I would never allow God to just show up.

I guess it was the idea of being vulnerable and just showing up without an agenda. What if I fucked up royally? What if I had nothing to say?

That’s scary.


Especially for a control freak who cared more about what people thought about her than what she knew was inherently true.

So instead of just being a channel and showing up and yes, falling down if that’s what happened….

I paid a shit ton of money in search of someone outside of me who could tell me what my message should be.

(Hint: that. does. not. work)

The cool thing about maxing out a credit card that now you hafta pay is it kinda backs you into a corner and makes you think outside of the box.

I knew that I had to start doing things differently.

I had to think differently.

I had to see myself differently.

I had to believe things that my Higher Self already knew about me that I didn’t believe yet.

I had to!

My life couldn’t be up to me anymore. Because it just wasn’t working out. I had to hand things over to God. Like, for real.

I went dark.

I waited.

I sat.

I felt.

I got real with myself, my soul, and God.

And the truth started revealing itself to me.

The truth that I wasn’t being authentic and showing up for the right reasons.

The truth that my motivation for doing things was all wrong.

The truth that I was still trying to run the show and expecting God to work miracles while I controlled every aspect of my life.

I still don’t have all the answers. I’m actually understanding now that I never will.

I don’t have to.

My larger self does.

And because I am part of that, I can feel complete inner peace knowing that when I get out of the way, any answer I require will be revealed to me at just the right time.

One thing I do know is that all the answers I need are within me.

And the same goes for you.

Nobody else can find those answers for you. They can’t tell you something you don’t already know.

If you’re seeking outside of you for the answers, you might want to stop and take that into consideration.

The answers you’re looking for aren’t in the pages of some book you read. They definitely won’t be revealed to you because you spent thousands of dollars thinking someone else was more worthy of you to receive the divine download of your life’s mission.

They are within you.

And while the right coach can guide you to discover what that is for yourself,

you’re still going to have to dig until YOU find it.

And if you don’t know where to start, PM me. I’ll help you to start forming the best questions that will get you the answers you’ve been looking for (from your soul to you with love!)

xoxo I love you!

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