Have you listened to yourself lately?

Not only when you speak out loud, (and yes, that IS part of it), but also when you talk to yourself?  When you start to spin that next story in your head about what he said, she said, what they meant, how they treated you, what you can experience with your 5 senses?  All of it!

How is that story making you feel?  Because you know damn well that

If you aren’t feeling good when you tell yourself that story, it’s not going to be something that makes you feel good when it manifests into form.

Your story is the first step in manifesting.  Manifestation isn’t about just choosing some material thing and focusing on having it until it magically shows up at your front porch.  Manifestation, as a deliberate creator, is about managing your vibration so that the universe can arrange your life in miraculous ways.

Our lives are filled with stories.  That’s what your mind does.  It creates stories.  But if you have been creating stories with your mind without bringing consciousness to them, then you will continue to get the results that you’ve been getting.

The results in your life are a reflection of the stories you tell yourself!

How committed are you to your stories?  How “honest” do you want to be about things?  Maybe he did screw you over, maybe you did mess up that job interview, maybe everyone around you would agree that the system is fucked or whatever it is that you’re telling yourself and everyone else.

But you continue to make it true by holding your focus on it.

So do you want to be right?  Or would you rather be happy?

Do you want to be right?  Or would you rather be at peace?

Do you want to be right?  Or would you rather reclaim your power and create a future that you will love the results of?

It really is your decision.  And God isn’t judging one way or another.

But if you choose to be right, you will likely create a lot of drama in your life, experience limitation, and feel bad most of the time.

And if you choose happiness, peace, and inner power, then life will just seem to flow effortlessly, things that you want just show up, and best of all, you feel fucking good!

Just so you know though….

You can’t be right while at the same time be happy, at peace, and in your power.

Now, choosing the high vibes isn’t always taking the easy road.  Actually, most of the time it takes self-discipline because your ego doesn’t want to let go.  Your ego wants to be right, even if it means you feel victimized.  Victimization puts you in a place where a lot of people will support your misery.  (Which is the main reason so many people choose to stay in victimization instead of power!)

Yesterday I witnessed a situation within my family that felt very unfair to my children.  I wanted to tell several people about it because my ego wanted confirmation that I was right and this other person was evil.  I stayed in my story for about an hour before I realized that I was feeling like shit and I didn’t want to feel that way any more.  I started reminding myself that no matter how real this feels, it’s just a story I’ve made up in my head.

Identifying that this bad feeling is being caused by the story I’m telling myself is step 1.  Bringing consciousness into any story dismantles it’s power over you.

I also felt more powerful when I remembered that God is my source of everything.  So if this particular person didn’t provide something for my children, no big deal!  God has infinite was to bless my family.

That feels WAY better!  So as I start to form this new story, I know I’m creating a more empowering future for myself.

And that really is the only thing that matters.

But what happens after that is nothing short of a miracle.

That same person who I needed to release from being responsible for my children’s joy actually came out of the woodwork to support me and the kids the very next day.

But it only happened once I released my expectation from that person.

And even if it didn’t turn out that way, it would’ve been ok.  Because God would ensure that the kids were supported regardless of who showed up to help.

Don’t you love knowing that you can just let everyone else off the hook, and put 100% of your trust in God, who will never, ever, ever fail you, always has your best interest in mind, and knows you better than you even know yourself?

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