I thought today was going to be off-the-charts-amazing after a deep, connected meditation and a restful night’s sleep.

Instead, the kids went haywire, fighting and threatening to tell Santa to put each other on the naughty list.

And my keys got locked in the running car which had to be opened by a locksmith, making my day start late and my daughter late for school.

Understandably, my small self started creating stories filled with questions that dramatically limit my ability to allow miracles.

“Why did this happen?”

“What else can go wrong?”

“How did I create this??”

“What am I doing wrong?”

And obviously these questions don’t serve me, right?  Because I create my reality based on the questions that I ask.  So the better question to ask would be,

“How can this work out in my favor?”

“I wonder how I can open myself up to receive a miracle in this moment!”

“How can I be soft on myself and allow God to take control?”

I’m learning over and over again that whatever is happening in front of my eyes matters considerably less than what is happening in my mind.  If I pay attention to what has already happened, focusing on it, getting mad about it, making it mean something negative, then that’s what I will continue to experience.

Yet, if I don’t take score unless it works in my favor, and then start creating my future reality by going within, then regardless of my circumstances…

I’m at peace.

And yes, I will continue to experience less and less of these silly situations, but even if I’m surrounded by chaos, I’m cool because I know that God’s got it all taken care of.  My well-being cannot be threatened.

The Universe is self-organizing and self-correcting.  So if something happens that doesn’t work out for me, then it’s simply not over.

If I wait until everything is working out perfectly and nothing goes wrong with my day before I start to feel good and trust the process, I’m going to live my entire life miserable, upset, and wondering why God isn’t helping me.

But the main point of this life isn’t to live without struggle.

I would say that on the contrary, we need to figure out how to deal with what life hands us with ease, grace, and trust.

Nothing really is that big of a deal.  I mean, I could look at this morning as a disaster.  But really, do I want to recreate that in my life?  I can just as easily appreciate the fact that the kids weren’t already buckled up in the car before it locked, we are all safe, and right now everything has been resolved and I’m back in my zone.

You do create your reality.  Everything in your life is happening by you and for you.  The faster you own that, the easier it will be to find joy and gratitude in all things.

How will you CHOOSE to interpret the results that happen?  How will you choose to see the physical manifestations that are constantly happening?

A great question to ask yourself is, “What can I learn from this?”

When there is a lesson that you can take away that will improve your future experience, then immediately you can start to feel better about virtually anything.

And then you can simply hand the rest over to God.

I could’ve gotten pissed that I had to fork out almost $100 for a lock-smith.  And while it did cross my mind initially, I realized that that thought didn’t feel good.  So I reminded myself that God is infinitely wealthy, meaning that I am therefore infinitely wealthy, and I have the money to cover it.

I could’ve complained about my kids behavior and threatened to stay home all day if they continued acting like little ass holes, but that definitely didn’t feel good either.  So I decided to wait until they were behaving more civilized and praised them for their behavior.  I also handed my frustration over to God because they can drive me bat-shit crazy sometimes and I just don’t know HOW to look at that from a positive light.  So I just hand it over and forget about it.

And now that I’ve written this blog post, I really do feel better about the whole thing.  And I realize that if this message can uplift even one person, then that alone is worth it to me.

Even though happiness is always the goal, it’s not always your current mental state.  And that’s ok.  Being taken out of your happy zone momentarily makes those moments when you are feeling high on life even more exciting and fun.

So next time you encounter a challenge, maybe something small like my car situation this morning, or maybe something more serious that takes total commitment to rise above, remember that everything really is working out for you.

Things just might not make sense from where you stand in this present moment.  But it doesn’t mean that God isn’t constantly working miracles on your behalf.

Nothing has any meaning except for the meaning that YOU give it.

YOU are powerful!  YOU are the creator!

What meaning would you like to assign to the events of your day?

Today and everyday!

I would love to hear your comments!


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