Doing what you love might mean that in the long run, you are filled with joy and the feeling of fulfilling your purpose here on earth.  But there will be times when you would just rather walk away!

Like today, for me.  I’m sitting here with a blank slate, no idea about what I’d like to talk about.  No clue what my soul is asking  to express.  And yet, because I know that this is the work that I have chosen to show up for every single day, I still sit and discipline myself to do it.

I’d love to say that creative expression just happens the second I summon it.  But that is rarely the case.  Sometimes it emerges in the most convenient moments when I’m just falling asleep or want just 10 more minutes in bed in the morning.  I could be driving or talking with a friend and all of a sudden a rush of great content comes streaming from my mouth and I have to write it all down now now now!

And then there are times like today when I stare at my screen and wonder what it is supposed to look like.  Which words will eventually end up in this post that might move someone to tears, or inspire that one person I was meant to inspire today.

I never really do know, you know?  I don’t plan these things out.  It’s not my style (anymore!) to try to control my life and everything in it, including the things I say, until I say them.

I figure it’s best left for God.  I’m still learning a lot, but one thing I’ve really figured out by now is that the only way to experience inner peace more of the time is to give every second over to God and allow Him to direct my path.

It only makes sense, when you think about it.  God can see so much further in time than I can.  And from where He stands, it’s all figure-outable.

I used to be a control freak.  I had to have everything my way.  And if it didn’t turn out the way that I wanted (and let’s be honest, sometimes they don’t!), I would have a shit fit and my happiness would be out the window.

I’m not gonna lie, that control freak still exists inside of me.  She tries to control the show quite frequently.  And when I allow her to do that, I end up feeling really bad rather fast.

But when I catch it fast enough, and remind her how things turn out when we can hand things over to a wiser version of our self, I immediately feel better.

So here I am, not trying to control anything, but just showing up to be a vessel for whatever message that wants to come through.  And I think that the muse has once again spoken in the most mysterious way that she often does.  Just the sweetest message that can be heard from anyone who is ready.

Show up for life in whatever way you can, and allow God to be the master of your ship.

You don’t have to have it all figured out.  That would take the mystery out of it, and mystery is so much fun!  The unknown allows us to be adventurous, curious, child-like.

Be open to receive instruction for your day on a minute to minute basis.  Allow yourself to not know what is in store.  Be ready for an adventure.  And then open your ears and listen for instruction and guidance.

Even on those crazy days when you can’t hear it, you can always know that it’s there.  Perhaps you need to tune in, but it IS there.

And I’m not only referring to receiving inspiration for an awesome blog post.  I’m also talking about guidance on what to say, where to go, who to spend time with, how to love yourself more, how to feel better.

All the advice and guidance you require to live a joy-filled life is available 24/7!

What can you do to be more receptive?

Have you quieted your mind today?  Just a few, quiet minutes without any thoughts or distraction?

Have you started a dialog with your Higher Self to hand over your priorities and ask for help?

Have you made feeling good your ultimate goal, requesting that God helps you to see things that you might be judging differently?

How interested can you be in the mystery of life that has not unfolded yet?

Let’s both, you and me, agree that things tend to work out better when we stop trying to control everything and just hand it over.  Just like that.  Not always easy.  But it doesn’t have to be difficult.

Can you do that?

Yea, me too.

And it really does feel so good.

Love you!


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