I used to engage in back-and-forth conversation of complaining and commiserating because I was afraid of hurting someone’s feelings by asking them to change the subject.

Today that all changed.

I just couldn’t.

I was talking with some women, waiting for my daughter’s bus, and the negativity started….

They were complaining about how expensive shit was, from gas prices to medical insurance.

“If it’s not one thing, it’s another!” Once chimed.

“When it rains it pours!” the other agreed.

I was silent. It was like nails on a chalk board.

I wanted to get all coach-y on their asses, but I know better by now. Unless they are ready to hear it, they won’t.

They meant no harm. I do realize. And they aren’t unlike the VAST majority of people who just talk about the shit that’s not working.


The few minutes I was listening felt like an eternity and suddenly, mid-conversation, I called the younger two back to the car to buckle them in and get the hell out of dodge as soon as the bus arrived.

Something inside of me yelled, “RUN!”

And as dramatic as this sounds, I swear, it really was!

My vibration means more to me now. It’s not worth lowering to make someone else feel better. It’s not worth taking a dip emotionally to not look like an ass hole.

Judge me! I really don’t care. Peace! I’m out!

And just like that, I’ve made a new decision in my life. I’m not going to be part of a conversation that is focused on the problem and not the resolution. I refuse to talk to anyone who wants to complain for the sake of complaining.

I won’t listen to others judge, commiserate, bring others down, insult…..

Not because I’m better than anyone else.

Not because any of these people are bad or wrong.

Simply because I value my vibration and I know what happens when I feel good, and I know what happens when I feel bad. And I prefer to feel good because that’s when good things happen for me.

You know it’s true too. But sometimes you think it’s hard to look away. The drama is interesting, and sometimes even funny, and you feel like you’re part of the club when you’re involved in conversation.

And will it really hurt anyone that bad if you just laugh along and agree with the naysayers and throw in your two cents about how expensive the price of what-the-eff-ever someone is complaining about?

No. It’s not a big deal. Really, it’s not.

You’ll just stay stuck in the same place you are now, manifesting more expensive prices and no way to afford things because that’s where you are placing your attention.

So if that’s ok, then by all means…head on over to the bus stop and join these other women.

But for me, (and I’m assuming you!) I’m ready to separate myself from the flock of chickens and fly like an eagle!

I’m not willing to sacrifice any of my time/energy/focus on a thought that does not serve me.

I love myself too much. I love this life too much. I honor my inner guidance too much. I love God too much.

Life is too good to not live it fully! Why would anyone make the choice to be unhappy and completely cut off to the source of life when it’s always available?

The answer is nobody would….consciously.

Nobody WANTS to feel bad.

Nobody LOVES complaining.

It’s just what feels normal.

But it’s NOT normal. It’s far from normal. It’s completely abnormal to live in that space/vibration where nothing feels “on”.

When you’re in a funky mindset, that’s your inner guidance telling you, “You’re not creating a positive outcome in this moment. You can turn this train around before it manifests. Do you want to?”

And if you ignore it, more evidence of your misalignment is going to show up to give you another opportunity to change your mind/focus.


Just reach for something that feels a little bit better. Reach for something that feels a little less bad! You don’t have to be blissful today! You just have to feel slightly better than you did before.

What are you doing that is holding you out of alignment with your source? Complaining, gossiping, judging? Witnessing gloom and doom? Expecting the worst case scenario?

Is it worth it babe?

Just ask yourself, is it?

NO. Because your biggest desire in life is simply to feel good.

What makes you feel good?

Do more of that.

Comment 👇 what you’d like to do more of (or less of!) that will make you feel better when you do!

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