I know that hiding out feels real safe right now.

The fear of being judged by others just doesn’t seem all that appealing.

But you know just as well as I do that hiding out is eventually going to lead to a slow, painful kind of death.

You might not physically die, but your Soul won’t tolerate you playing small forever.

Eventually She will tug and pull at your heart so much that you will have to either step up and start being the real You, or deal with the pain of staying small.

You were meant for a greater purpose.  Simply existing wasn’t part of your game plan.  And yes, it IS your game plan.

You had 100% buy in before you were born.  You designed the whole thing.  You showing up as queen of your message was something you had no doubt would happen.

So now do it.

There’s really nothing to do, per se.  

Just show up.  Be here.  Stand in your power.  Be willing to be that channel for whatever wants to happen through you.

It’s that simple.  And that difficult.

You want answers.  You want guarantees.  You want to know that everything is going to turn out the way you picture it.

But you know it doesn’t really work that way.

Sometimes you are going to have to go into it blind and let God lead the way.

Sometimes you are not going to get what you thought you wanted.

Sometimes it is not going to look the way you thought it should.

There are no guarantees in this world.

And if you’re putting your faith in the world of form, you’re going to be let down over and over again.

This world has nothing to offer you.

YOU are God’s gift to the world.

Everything that you require is within you.

You need to start seeing life through that perspective.  If you want real and lasting change, you need to.

You need to stop believing what you can currently see if you want to see something else.

It just won’t happen until you do.

I know that it feels hard sometimes.  Your senses are so convincing and all the stories you’ve been telling yourself for so long feel so true by now that believing the opposite just feels crazy.

Can you just be crazy then?

Can you drop all the rules and forget what seems logical and just go a little insane?

What if forgetting all that you thought you knew could lead you to discovering the only real truth?

What if letting go of your stories would reveal the Truth about you and your unlimited power?

Can you just imagine for a moment if you really, wholeheartedly believed that you were limitless?

Yea, yea, I know…you’ve claimed that for yourself.  You’ve written the affirmations.  You’ve plastered it all over social media.

But do you buy it?

Or are you affirm, affirm, affirming it until someday, maybe…maybe you’ll see something you don’t see now and you’ll finally be convinced that what you’ve been telling yourself all along is really true?

What if you just decided.

Decided right now that you don’t have to believe everything you believe.  You don’t have to buy into the limiting stories anymore.

You can let go of your need for approval and validation.

You can be your biggest fan.

You can hand all the details over to the Universe and just make the choice right now to show up and see what happens.

To take that first step, whatever that first step is, without needing to know what the following step looks like or where it will lead.

What if you just stopped trying to control, figure things out, and force things to go your way,

and just allowed.

What would that look like?  What would it look like to just allow the larger aspect of you (the Real You) to emerge from the shadows where you’ve been hiding Her?

What has seemed like the scariest thing to do is actually the only way you’ll be authentically happy.

What are you really afraid of?

Are you afraid of being wrong?  Not really knowing who you are meant to be, and then going for something that doesn’t actually fit?

Well that’s just a little silly when you think about it.  Because who really knows exactly who they are anyway????  

I mean, is there really some final product that you’ll end up waking up to someday?

Do some people exist that just one day discovered exactly who they were and then never changed or evolved beyond that?

So just let that go right now.  We are all expanding, growing, shifting, transforming, deepening who we are, letting go of more and more along the way.

You can’t get this wrong.

That’s what you need to know.

You just can’t eff this up.

You’ve been so scared of messing up and making mistakes that you can’t take back.

But no matter how bad you mess up, it’s not really a mess up.

No matter how scattered you begin, you’ll always receive clarity along the way.

And new gifts are revealed as you step more fully into your sovereign self.

You will be amazed at how much genius, wisdom, expression, love, and enlightenment were already within you.

But your larger self won’t be surprised at all.

She’ll just be happy that you finally woke up to the truth of your amazing, brilliant, unstoppable self.

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