Writing and speaking about spirituality, manifesting, and partnering with the Universe to reach your highest potential has always been something I’ve wanted to do.  And while I’m pretty proud of how far I’ve come, I realize I still have a ways to go.  Practicing even when I’m uncomfortable or nervous, constantly stepping outside of my comfort zone, has dramatically improved the amount of content and value I get to share with beautiful souls like you!

There was a time when I didn’t feel like I was good enough to start writing, and DEFINITELY not good enough to hit RECORD!  The fear and insecurity I felt about speaking about something I was passionate about was so outside my comfort zone that I felt paralyzed to actually do it, and do it consistently.  

I would compare myself to the women who had already reached the level of success I wanted to be at, and come up short every time.  I felt like an impostor…who would want to listen to me over these amazing polished speakers and writers?

I remember one day realizing that I couldn’t NOT share the message inside of me anymore.  It really didn’t matter if nobody listened.  I HAD to go for it with all that I had regardless of how bad it might come out.  No matter who showed up to listen, and even if I was alone on my live video the whole entire time (which did happen often at first!)

It’s not that I suddenly got a boost of confidence.  On the contrary, I was actually terrified.  The belief I had in myself hadn’t increased, the fear hadn’t decreased, but the KNOWING inside of me was stronger than any of the rest.  

God within me was making it very clear that I had a calling on my life to open my mouth and speak.  I knew that there was a message within me that had to be communicated through spoken and written word, and the only way I could find out for sure if I had what it took was just to do the thing and keep doing it until forever.  

I made a commitment to myself that day that I would show up daily and speak and write no matter what.  No matter how bad or uninspired it seemed.  No matter who wrote it or said it better.  No matter what the voice inside my head told me, I was going to do it anyway.

Now, like I said, I’m not at the top of my game….yet.  And the fearful voice still yells loudly (maybe even more loudly now) but I’ve learned how to tame it, and keep on pushing on so that I can discover more and more of the hidden gifts and talents within me.  

And you can too.

Good-hearted, spritually-minded entrepreneurs like you and me want to make a difference in this world, but way too often you feel like you’re just not good enough. You’ll end up comparing yourself to others and decide you’re way better than that one and not as good as the next and…..

….well you could spend a lifetime checking out what other people are doing and how well (or not) they are doing it.

But you have a life to live, a message to share, and gifts to release in this lifetime.  I know this to be true because nobody is left out of this promise.  You have free will to answer that calling or not, but the calling is there for sure.  

And with the calling comes the all the talent and gifts you require to get the job done. 

The problem isn’t that you don’t have what it takes.  The real problem is that you’ve forgotten how genius you really are!  

You’ve just forgotten!

So I’m here to remind you that you have what it takes.  

And I’m also going to tell you how to discover those hidden gems that are still shining brightly inside you, albeit being dimmed by your insecurities and doubt.  Once you realize the potential within you, those insecurities and doubt will take a backseat and let you drive the ship with much more confidence!

Uncovering Your Unique Gifts and Talents

  1.  What used to light you up as a child?  Do you remember singing at the top of your lungs or running around being a super hero?  What did you get lost in doing where time just disappeared?  The interpretations that you child-mind made might not translate exactly to your gifts or talents, but they will shine some light and connect the dots.
    For example, when I was younger, I wanted to be a model or actress.  While these 2 paths were not my purpose, being seen was a huge part of it.  My desire to model and act stemmed from my God-given gift to be seen in a big way speaking powerfully to thousands of people!  My little mind wouldn’t have been able to identify with being a powerful speaker, but the desire was there nonetheless to be discovered when I was ready!
  2. What seems to be so easy and effortless it almost seems silly to call it a talent?  What have you been good at since before you could remember?  What do all of your friends and family come to you for advice for?  These answers could be clues to the hidden gifts that you have that you’ve never recognized.
  3. On the flip side, what do you yearn to do but don’t think you could ever do?  Who do you admire and look up to, wishing you could be just like?  You might (and most likely do) have a hidden side of yourself that you’ve tucked away and forgotten about because of limiting programming developed at a young age.  When you recognize your light in someone else before you recognize it in yourself, you’ll feel jealousy and comparison come on strong.  But that’s just evidence that you have that same talent latent within you!

Every last person on this planet has infinite power and ability to be the person they desire to be, without limits.  You are not the exception.  What you believe has zero to do with anything.  You were born with the blueprint for success.  You have been promised to be handed all that you need.

But if you wait for it to happen before you act on it, you’ll be waiting forever.

So get to work doing anything and everything you know how, and the rest will be delivered when the time is ready.  

Realizing that you have what it takes is the first step,

the next step in putting one foot in front of the other and just doing what you can every single day.  

Only then will your true gifts be revealed. 

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