You’ve always know it was true.  It’s amazing that you played yourself this long, really.  Aren’t you tired of the games?  Aren’t you done pretending you are someone you aren’t?  Isn’t it tiring running around in all different directions and putting on this act and practically forgetting who you really are?   

You’ve always know it was true.  That you were different.  An outsider.  You denied it because it seemed so lonely.  So distant.  So outcast.

So scary.  “What if nobody likes me?  What if I steal the show and someone else hates me for it?  What if I don’t deserve it?”  These thoughts that fill your mind and practically drown out the voice of Truth.

And what if you were wrong?  What if you weren’t that different after all?  What if you thought you had something unique but it turns out you’re just like the rest of them, dreaming forever and never really succeeding? 

But you’ve always know it was true.  And that part of you that knows will never forget….will never let you forget.   

I think it’s time that you drop the bullshit and stop selling yourself short, stop settling, stop living small.  Stop questioning yourself, wondering if it’s possible, if you really have what it takes.  

You want it, right?  You feel the tugging at your heart?  It’s this very physical pulling that almost feels like pushing, like it’s going to burst out from you if you don’t get a handle on it.   

That’s all you need in order to know that it’s real….meant to be.  The feeling you get when you see someone else doing it.  Where you get triggered AF because it’s what you want to be doing.  That’s your sign.   

Who’s going to win?  The fear or the vision?  The uncertainty or the part of you who has always known.  The part of you that has to have everything figured out first before you take an itsy bitsy baby step or the part who just leaps because there’s always miracles unfolding beneath your feet?   

I guess it comes down to what you’re willing to live for.  On that day that when you transition from earth to ether, what do you want to remember?   

Do you want to remember making the decision to live like you meant it?  To meet the calling of your soul?  To just get over yourself and do what you do because that’s what you were born to do?   

Or do you want to remember always wishing it would be different?  That you knew you were born for something great but you never really did figure it out because you just never found the time, the resources, the courage.   

Don’t you want to feel, even just for a flicker of a moment, what it really feels like to be alive?  To be beyond human.  To give up the façade, take off the mask, turn towards the sun and be taken over by it all? 

You decide.  But don’t wait too long.  Life is happening as you sit and wait.  And think.  Why not just jump?  Miracles are unfolding beneath your very feet you know.    

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