Think about that. You become who you think you are. Not the other way around. You weren’t born with certain limitations or the ability to only develop certain talents. You were born with the ability to achieve anything your heart desires.

You have within you RIGHT NOW all the skills, power, perfection, wisdom, talent, and ability that you require to fulfill your destiny.

Before you read another book. Before you hire another coach. Before you join another program.


Where are you focused? What are you putting your attention on? What are you telling yourself for the majority of the day?

You keep pushing for more, and you can’t be satisfied with the journey. You need to be better and you aren’t just allowing yourself to begin. You’re so worried about what other people will think about you that you stay paralyzed, small, restricted.

The thoughts of doubt are the cause of your limitations. The fear that you won’t be good enough is the reason you aren’t.

Relax. Life really isn’t that serious.

Does that take the edge off for you? It’s supposed to be fun! And it will be once you realize that you already have it all.

It’s all within you…

What you seek is waiting to be expressed.

And it is expressed by your attention to it.

Want to be good enough? Claim it then. Just show up for life and life will show up for you. Embody the energy of confidence and confidence will be yours. KNOW that you are good enough, and all the talent you need in order for you to be who you were meant to be will develop.

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