Manifesting a life of magic has become such a hot topic, and one that we are all becoming more and more interested in as we expand our consciousness to what is really possible as spiritual beings living out this human life.

Most of us have been at the game of co-creation for a while, but usually unsuccessfully.

Very few people actually see real and lasting transformation, and begin thinking that maybe they just aren’t capable of turning things around, and right before the miracle, they give up.

I know that for me, I felt like things weren’t working fast enough, so I started looking for tricks and tools that would help me get results faster, but that just kept me on an endless search for more.

Because I wasn’t willing to actually sit my ass down and do the work when shit got real, I ended up wasting a ton of time.  I laugh at the irony of that.  I spent almost a decade trying to find a shortcut!  Uhm….It would’ve taken a fraction of that time to do things right.

So let’s look at the 4 steps that will actually help transform you into the powerful co-creator that you were born to be (and that you want to be more than anything at your core!)

4 Steps To Activating Your Creative Power

1.  Create a vision-  If you don’t have a vision, you have no destination.  (Prov.29:13 says “A man without a vision shall perish)  Life’s job is to support those who are willing to show up and manifest the invisible into the visible.  And that starts with a vision.

2.  Practice- Practice BEING the new version of you until it doesn’t take effort any more.  Executing the vision that you have for your life will require a  BIGGER version of you.  You have to think differently, feel differently, and do things differently than you do now.  Don’t wait until you have what you want before you change those things.  You’ll be waiting forever.

3.  Implement energy work- Your subconscious thoughts and feelings have occupied your energy and is currently manifesting things you likely don’t want.  That energy that needs to be cleared, transmuted, and reclaimed for more of your infinite power.  Tools like prayer, meditation, EFT, working with an energy healer, reike, theta healing, and a the list goes on, are all very effective way of moving energy so that it can be used to create exactly what you want.

4.  Implement a plan- You can want all of this from the depths of your heart, but when life happens (and it will) you have to have a plan that doesn’t allow you to return back to your old habits.  Implement a plan that puts you in a position of commitment to your vision NO. MATTER. WHAT.

Ask yourself right now….”How serious am I about being the artist of my life? How deeply do I want to become a vessel for God to work miracles through?  How much longer will I need to struggle before the pain becomes real enough that I have no other choice?  Do I want it to have to get to that point?”

These questions will really get you thinking!  I know we like to keep things all rosey and upbeat, but let’s get real!  Sometimes you need to get the whole picture and see exactly what you’re doing to hold yourself back!

To be honest, I’m really tired of seeing so many teachers continue to preach these superficial methods on how to transform Your life!  IT WILL TAKE WORK, IT WILL FEEL HARD, YOU WON’T ALWAYS WANT TO DO IT!

To completely turn your life around, it’s going to take more than visualizing, affirming, and saying a morning prayer.

It needs to become a way of life.

But this is work that actually makes a difference.  Plus, it’s interesting.  It’s empowering and enlightening. And it can be fun!

So stop effing  around.  This is your life.  Commit and then get to actual work.

You can do this!  You’ve got it!  I’m cheering you on….and God has your back!

Have you grabbed my gift to you that will help you manifest on a whole new level?  It’s my Next Level Manifestation meditation, and I can promise it’s not your typical mediation.  It will actually help to clear your low-vibe energy and get you on track with aligning with your true vision.

Make sure you grab it here now and listen today!  And then let me know how it impacted you.

I love you!



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