I swore I would stop reading it.  This blog written by a multi-million dollar coach kept triggering me,

angering me,

making me all kinds of jealous.

I hate feeling jealous.

So I decided to stop reading her blog and emails.  Kind of.  😉  I never unsubscribed, and then one of her headlines grabbed my attention, totally against my will, and forced me to open it!  hee hee

She was talking about traveling only first or business class, having insane amounts of clothes and shoes, living a pimp-ass life, and continually upleveling it in bigger and more expensive ways.

Basically rubbing my face in the kind of lifestyle I now envision, at least materially, for my life.

“YES!” I caught myself expressing.  YES!  OMG I almost forgot!  I’m so glad I didn’t allow this opportunity to pass without remembering the real reason why I was triggered over this email!

I was triggered because as I was reading the email, I had momentarily forgotten that the lifestyle I desire is also available for me!  I wasn’t feeling jealous because I don’t have the millions (yet).  I was feeling jealous because I forgot that it is possible.

If you understood the purpose of your emotions, you would no longer feel bad about feeling jealous, envious, or bad in any way.  You would use it as an opportunity to celebrate that your current belief is rubbing up against the Truth of your being and contradicting it.  It’s simply a warning sign that you are limiting your mind and cutting yourself off from what is possible.

Think back to the last time you saw someone else driving the car you want, living in the house that you dream of living in, married to the man you drool over.  You felt a certain negative emotion, right?  And you thought it was because you don’t have those things.

But you would be incorrect!  Bad feelings always mean one thing and one thing only.  They indicate misalignment from the way that your Source is viewing that same scenario.  So while you’re wishing your life would be more abundant, your Higher Self is reminding you that you already are.  When you feel like you’re not good enough or worthy enough or smart enough to be, do, and have what you want, your Higher Self is sending out a reminder that you are perfectly, you are enough, and you can have life exactly as you desire–first class, gucci style, custom home, hot romance and whatever else you’d like to order up.

And that reminder comes in the form of bad feelings.

So next time you feel bad, celebrate!  Thank your feelings!  Be happy that they exist!  Be glad that you’re aware of them!

Because when you’re aware that you’re misaligned, you can realign your hot ass back to Truth and return to the lifestyle and life that lights you up.

Here’s something else to realize as well, which will make manifesting the good life even easier for you.

If it wasn’t possible for you, you wouldn’t even be able to fathom the idea.  You wouldn’t even be able to imagine it….You couldn’t want it.  Just the fact that you have the desire is enough evidence that receiving exactly what you want is possible.

What you salivate over, lose sleep about, crave beyond craving, and covet at times, can be yours.  It IS yours to claim.  You can know 100% that it is yours simply by acknowledging the desire.  Do you want it?  Ok….DONE.  It’s seriously that easy.  When you place your order (which happens the nano-second that you desire it) it is instantly given to you.  Your job is to align your energy with this truth until it becomes manifest.

How do you align?

By saying yes to what feels good, following the nudges of your soul, not paying attention to circumstances to confirm what is True.

By taking steps…sometimes small and sometimes leaps…but step after step nonetheless, demonstrating to the Universe that you are serious about upleveling who you are and what you expect from life.  By being faithful in the invisible and not being attached to the specifics of your manifestation.  By choosing to be happy now and by looking for reasons to feel better one moment from the last.

By choosing what you want based on what lights you up instead of based on what your current belief system tries to convince you is possible.

By eliminating from your life anything that limits you or makes you question your worth.

By telling fear to kindly take a hike (after, of course, you see it for what it really is…a bad feeling pointing you to the Reality that fear is not real).

You align by putting into practice everything above like your life depends on it.  Because in a way, it does.

Are you gonna?  Will you do it?

I believe in you babe.  I see that Reality that you picture for yourself as clearly as you do, and I know that it’s right here right now.

So if you still waver on disbelief, you can borrow my rock-solid certainty that you can have all that you desire.

So now step up and out of your comfort zone, do whatever your Soul says yes to, and start living according to what feels good.

Anything is possible, your dream life is available, and you are damn worthy.

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