I know the frustration of grinding and working hard for what you love without the outer confirmation that it even matters to anybody.

I know the frustration of feeling unsupported by everyone you love because they just don’t see the vision that you have in your heart.

I know the pit in the stomach that happens when it feels like everything and everyone takes precedence over what you want.

I know what it’s like to feel like the only one who believes in your purpose….your calling.

Your ego needs the confirmation from the world in order to feel important, but your Soul never does.

Your ego wants to have it all figured out with a game plan and a support line up to ensure all your ducks are in a row. But the Universe constantly course-corrects so that you’re supported even when you don’t know how it will happen.

Your ego wants to feel special, important, like a priority. But your Soul has no need for that. Your Soul already knows It’s important place in this world and knows that nothing and nobody is powerful enough to dim your light unless you allow it.

You can always find reasons to be offended if you even half-ass look for it. There are plenty of people who are more than capable of hurting your feelings, making you feel unimportant, or downright pissing you off.

(In actuality, nobody has that power. But sometimes I realize it feels that way!)

But it’s during times like these that you need to go within, and instead of looking for confirmation from the world, you simply realign with the Truth of who you are….

…because you are infinitely supported. And when you allow everyone the opportunity to be whomever they choose to be, you are opening yourself up for the many opportunities for God to support you as well.

When you simply step back and give God room to work miracles, everything will work out even better than you could expect. This is a guarantee….a promise.

Not a promise from me. That wouldn’t matter worth a shit. But a promise from God. The God that is never disconnected from you, always residing within you, and in all actuality, IS YOU when given the go-ahead by you to actually express Itself through you.

It’s rarely easy to do this work. It’s way easier to stay offended, hurt, bitter, resentful.

But it is possible. And it’s the only way to truly feel good. And that’s far more important than anything you can pinpoint in this physical realm.

It’s usually not easy to decide to let go, not care about those who don’t ultimately matter anyway, to trust that God is in control and everything is always working out for you. But since it’s true, you might as well not fight it.

It’s often difficult to surrender the outcome, the “how’s”, and the “when’s” to God, but honestly it’s the only way that you’ll arrive at the full manifestation of your desire HAPPILY!

I find it quite funny that we resist our miracles so often for the sake of digging in our heals and being right.

I did it even this morning. I had the opportunity to let go and trust OR I could be offended and hurt. And it took me more than a hot second to let go.

Even though I know this stuff inside and out. I KNOW I want to feel good. I know the only way is to surrender. I KNOW God is in control. I KNOW things will work out….and I know they will ONLY work out when I back TF off and give God room to work miracles.


And I still resisted.

I still wanted to be right.

I still wanted to feel sorry for myself. I still wanted others to feel sorry for me.

I still chose, momentarily, to feel like ass over feeling good.

So when I say I realize it’s rarely, if ever, easy….I really do.

I’m with you. I’m feeling you. I’m here with you even now.

And I’m reminding you, friend to friend, soul to soul,

dropping your MF story, despite who it lets off the hook and how many times, is the only way to ultimately get what you really want.

Do you want things to work out for you?

Do you want to feel good?

Do you want miracles to unfold on your behalf?

Do you want to be happy?

Ok. Then give up your story. Let it go. Turn your struggle over to the Universe and let God correct the course.

It’s never easy, but it’s as easy as that.

I love you! xoxo

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