You know that saying, “Everything is always working out for me!”…
Do you believe that? Like, really, deeply?  Do you believe that everything, regardless of what it is, no matter what, really is happening for your good?  
Do you affirm it when life gets hard?  And do you believe it…even when and especially when life feels hard?
Or do you say it in hopes that everything that’s shitty starts to “correct” itself?
I really learned the meaning behind that affirmation when I hit rock bottom, sobbing to my husband how I felt like such a loser and a failure, afraid that I would never really become successful in my biz or make any money.
I had been working on my biz for several months.  I had invested several thousand dollars in coaching which felt like a stretch but I was confident when I made the investment that I would be making my money back quickly.  I had a few months where money was coming in (and easily too!), and then nothing.  For a long time.  I was maxing out credit cards quickly and got to the point where I had no idea how to make even the minimum payments.  I felt like I was in over my head and when a charge hit that I couldn’t pay, I broke down.
I ugly cried.
I contemplated for a hot second that maybe I wasn’t cut out for the life of an entrepreneur.  Maybe I should just get a….NO EFFING WAY.
The entire time all of this was happening, even though I felt completely broken, at the end of my rope, and hopeless about money, I KNEW the entire time that this was exactly what I needed.
That it was all happening for my good.
I realized that I was allowing myself to settle for mediocrity far too long. And had I not reached a level of complete desperation, I’m certain I would’ve still been fooling myself.
I also realized that I was counting on my biz to bring in the money which meant that I was taking action, making offers, and connecting with people FOR THE PURPOSE of selling. NOT for the sheer joy of it.
By seeing my biz as my source instead of God, I cut off all other channels of abundance that the Universe could’ve used to make sure I was taken care of. And my biz could’ve very easily been one, except that my motives were all wrong. And as a spiritual mentor, I was out of integrity. Which God won’t support.
And I got to thinking, as I remembered what it was like to watch myself experience such a tremendous and painful breakdown while feeling a level of calm excitement of it all…
I wonder if people really understand that things ARE really working out for them…always. Even when it’s hard. Even when it hurts. Even then, God is looking out for you and working miracles on your behalf.
The ego has a conniving way of making you think you’re making progress, changing your mind, thinking better thoughts, but all the while you just aren’t really so committed to change that you do the work when it’s difficult.
You let yourself off the hook, you slide, you do the work when it’s easy and but when it’s hard you forget.
You might be uncomfortable, but you’re not desperate. So very little actually changes.
God wants to give you what you want. Even more than you want it for yourself!
But if you keep getting in the way, He won’t override your freewill. So He will let you fall flat on your face if that’s what it takes because He loves you that much and knows that when you hit the floor, you’ll have to get on your knees and turn to the one Source that was always available and ready to help.
I’d love to know what your intention is with that affirmation. Is it to change a situation, get rid of something, or add something that feels missing?
Or is it a statement to the Universe that you really do trust that no matter what, you really are supported and loved and everything Everything EVERYTHING is working out to help you?

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