Money and spirituality.  What do they have to do with each other?

Can you have God and have plenty of money too?

Can you have plenty of money and still have room for God?

These questions are almost ludicrous to me now, but there was a time when I felt guilty for wanting to be rich.  Somehow I learned that having a lot of money was selfish and wrong and if I didn’t need something, I shouldn’t just ask for it.

I learned that I had to work hard and suffer if I wanted a lot of money.  And eff hard work!  I didn’t want to work hard.  So I also never came across a ton of cash either.  Anytime I had plenty of money, I found myself miserable, working hard and hating my job.  Then I would quit the job and find myself with hardly any money.

None of this was necessary, of course.  But it became my experience simply because I believed that’s how it was.  And it was so true in my life that I never really questioned it.  I just observed and concluded.

True story, I even realized that my beliefs shaped my experience, but I still believed in my own story so much that I couldn’t get my mind to think any other way.

One of the most frustrating things I have ever experienced is knowing that I’m creating my reality, watching as I continue to trip myself up, KNOW THAT I’M THE ONE DOING IT, but feeling unable to stop the whole thing.  It’s like being in the middle of a nightmare, knowing that all you have to do is wake up to make it stop, but unable to wake up.

It feels like torture.  And I went through it for years.  Constantly seeking a new process that might finally help me to free myself from my mind.

Money was the biggest topic of frustration for me.  I wanted so badly to just have fun, make life one big epic adventure, be free to do and spend whatever I wanted to, and wake up excited to do whatever I was doing each day.

And I knew it was possible because there were people doing it all day every day.

When I asked God to help, I would ask like a beggar asks for change.  As if I was undeserving because of all the financial fuck-ups along the way.  I judged myself for racking up debt, spending more than I “should”, making poor buying decisions, or investing in something that didn’t end up getting the results I was expecting.  As if I was supposed to always get it right every time in order to keep my blessings flowing.

God could care less how much you spent yesterday.  He’s always available to give you more!

God also doesn’t really give a second thought to your purchasing decisions.  There’s no judgement about being frivolous or extravagant.  If that’s what lit you up in the moment, then it was meant to be!

If you hold your vibration in that high-flying state, you stay open to being available for a way to be made for all that you want.  But what most people do is get initially excited about what you want, but then start to worry that it won’t happen, judge if you’re worthy enough, wonder if it’s ok to ask for it, and then you’ve lowered your vibration and now you’re not in the place to receive.

Money is spiritual.  It’s a tool that has been given to you unlimited as a way to get what you want in this life here on earth.  And while it’s not the only way for you to get what you want, it’s a very convenient way, especially when there’s more than enough!

And there always is!

No matter how long you’ve been struggling with the mindset that money is scarce, you’re not worthy, you can’t have what you want, or whatever bullshit you’ve been telling yourself….

You can just make the decision right here and now that you won’t be believing that anymore.

You can correct that vibration in an instant and choose a different experience starting now.  It doesn’t have to take a long time.

You aren’t far away on a path to home.  You’re already home.  You’re here.  Your prosperity is being given to you right now in this  moment.  As you read these words there is more than enough available for you.  There’s no mantra you have to say to cash in, there’s no process you have to do to release it.  You just have to align with the vibration of prosperity.  That’s all.  And it really is more easy than you think.

It involves letting go instead of trying.

It involves knowing that it’s already done instead of wondering when it will happen.

It involves knowing your worthiness has never, ever been in question.

It involves knowing that it never will be.

It involves only taking score when it’s in your favor.

It involves knowing that the score IS always in your favor.

You’re not at this alone.

You’re divinely guided.

Your Higher Self knows what you want, wants it for you, and knows exactly how to get it for you.

Yes, even that.

and that too.

It’s yours.

So just relax.


There’s nothing for you to do.

Just listen and obey.  Follow the directions that are given to you and life will be one unfolding miracle after another.



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