You think that this world is so real.  Looking around, touching, hearing, tasting.  Our senses tell you that this is IT!  And you react to what you observe about this world and about yourself.

I like that.  I don’t like that.  I really don’t like that.  I can’t have that because I don’t have this.  If I don’t see it, I won’t believe it.  If that hasn’t happened yet, it means that something is wrong with me or I can’t do it.

You react to your observations with thoughts and eventually beliefs about how the world operates for you.  And it feels like the truth.  Again, because it’s what you see!  Denying the physical world seems crazy because there is so much proof that you’re right!!

But this world is pliable, shape-able, change-able.

And it all comes down to the beginning of this post.  You think that this world is so real.  But the physical world is an illusion.  It is a creation of your mind, shaped by your thoughts and beliefs.

You were never given the manual that told you of this power.  You most likely weren’t taught how to believe in order to shape your world and life into perfection.

So you never realized that the thoughts came first, and then the physical manifestation.  The observation, the focus- that came first.  And your experience shaped and shifted to reflect those thoughts.

This could feel liberating or it could feel terrifying.  But since you now know that your thoughts have creative power, let’s choose liberation, yes?

Once I discovered this incredible concept, I started to really watch my thoughts and try to figure out what I was thinking and believing in order to understand what I had created.  I was on a mission to eradicate the blocks that held me back from success.  I wanted to get rid of the feelings that were guiding me down a path I didn’t want to go.  I would spend hours releasing the emotional ties I had to limiting beliefs.

I got really discouraged after all the work that I did to come to the realization that not much had changed.  I was very aware of my blocks and where they came from.  I was a master of Me 1.0.

What I wanted was to be Me 2.0.  I wanted to believe that I could experience life in a new, exciting, unlimited way.  So many others had testimonies of these huge breakthroughs and had experienced miracles and had all this evidence that our thoughts are changeable and the life really can be whatever you want it to be.

Going back to choosing liberation, the end of my story is this.  I finally just made a choice.  Instead of trying to understand the details of my limiting beliefs, I just decided to CHOOSE what I wanted to believe.  I decided that, if I truly believed that there is a spiritual power beyond the physical, and that there are energetic laws that I can tune into to allow that spiritual power to create on my behalf (yes, and yes), then I would just choose what I wanted to put out there.

No more focusing on trying to uncover what’s holding me back.  Now, I get to spend time aligning with what I want.  I just step into who I choose to be.  And when there is physical evidence that seems to prove the opposite to be true, I simply laugh and lightheartedly remember that that was Lainna 1.0.  Lainna 2.0 is going to choose something else now.  And then I do.

So who is You 2.0?  What do you choose to experience from here until the rest of your life?  What are your deepest desires that you never thought could come true?  If they are within you, they are there for a reason.  And the reason isn’t to tease you and keep you at arms length of your dreams.  They are there so that you can fulfill them, realize them, experience them.

So take some time each morning and ask yourself what you choose to believe today!  Today I choose to live in joy.  Today I choose to be open to miracles.  Today I choose to tune into my higher self and ask her what she wants.  I then choose to be in alignment with that something.  I choose to be guided and create my life from a place of power.  I choose to be clear on my purpose.  I choose to revel and roll around in the unlimited abundance that is surrounding me.  I choose to remember that I can have anything I want.  I choose to feel excited about what I now have, and I choose to feel content with this present moment because I created it.  I choose to feel empowered that I know this now and I choose to also feel really excited about what is yet to come!

What do you choose?


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