I remember the first day that I decided that I was going to speak my truth and share my message and impact women in whatever way I was guided. I mean REALLY decided. Not want, wish, hope that someday….but FULLY committed to do it daily no matter what.

I waited for a full decade to feel good enough, confident enough, prepared, smart, capable. But that day never came. Despite everything I learned, I just felt like everyone else could articulate the message so much better. I started to wonder if I was really meant to speak, share, teach, coach.

But the vision that I had and the desire that was inside of me was burning so strong that I seriously felt like I was going to die if I didn’t just do it.

I didn’t believe in myself. But I did believe in the vision.

I didn’t think that I could do it. But I did realize that God could.

I didn’t feel like I was good enough. But I just showed up and spoke with whatever was going to come out.

And it was rough. lol

I’d love to say that the Universe instantly gave me every single word to speak with such ease and grace that I never once doubted myself again.

It would be great if I could say that that was the last day I ever experienced self-doubt.

But that’s not the case.

I still struggled. I still stumbled and fell. I still felt insignificant and incapable and I still compared myself to other people and felt like I came up short a lot.

But I also woke something up within me that felt so damn good and made me so damn proud of myself for doing what I knew how and opening myself up to my intuition however I could in that moment.

One realization that I had and continue to have is that what I need in order to speak, teach, and coach is always expanding through me in greater and greater ways.

It’s like the more I show up for life, the more life shows up for me.

Not because of something I’ve learned, studied, or discovered outside of my consciousness, but in the form of me connecting to my soul and asking for the gifts within me to come out so I can share them with the world.

The better I get, the better I get.

“You have to believe it in order to receive it” doesn’t apply when it comes to the vision for your life. You have to step into the version of you who already IS it and show up as that person until the world around you starts to reflect that inner picture.

What are you waiting on? How would you show up if you knew that what you needed is inside of you? What would you be willing to do if you KNEW that you would be able to reach a higher level of your potential simply by showing up?

If you’ve allowed fear to paralyze you from doing the things that will guide you to your purpose and to the fulfillment of that vision, maybe it’s time we chat!

My calling is to help you to WAKE UP to who you really are, past your fears, doubts, and insecurities so that you can STEP UP into a life that lights your soul on FIRE! CAN YOU FEEL IT????

If you know that there’s a calling on your life, but you either don’t know how to uncover it, or you fear you don’t have what it takes to answer it, send me a message now! We’ll get on the phone for a “Soul Awakening” strategy session where you will wake up to what’s fully possible in your life.

When you get clear on that vision and commit to stepping into it with all that you have, LIFE will meet you where you are and give you everything you need in order to see it through! You’ll finally feel happy, peaceful, and excited about life!

These sessions get snatched up quickly, so if you this is resonating with you, please send me a message so that I can get you on the calendar!


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