If you ever intend to get unstuck from where you are, you’re first gonna have to accept that you’re here.

You don’t have to like where you are, and you don’t have to decide to stay here for another minute.  But you MUST recognize that you are here now.  This is acceptance, and it’s a necessary first step for freeing yourself forever.

You aren’t going to stay stuck if you notice where you are.  You can’t make an effective plan to get from San Diego to Manhattan unless you identify where your trip begins.  Same thing for creating a life that empowers you.

Where you are is where you are.  Don’t make it wrong, or insignificant, or bad.  It just is.  The instant you can just be here in this present moment without any resistance or need to be somewhere else before you feel happy, satisfied, or fulfilled, you shift your reality and start heading in the direction you want to go.

The outer journey begins within.  It begins with a feeling and a choice of thought.  Just leave the physical manifestations up to your Large Self, who already has a handle on providing you with your hearts desire.  You focus on your vibration, which lines you up with what your Large Self wants to give you.

Of course you want more.  You’re a creator!  You’re always going to be reaching for new manifestations, new adventures, new creations, new experiences.  That’s what you DO!  But if you wait until that next thing happens before you allow yourself the freedom to feel free, then even when that new event comes into your life, you won’t be satisfied.  You’ll always be reaching for something more.

I was stuck in this mindset for the majority of my adult life, and I can tell you that the trips, the money, the attention, the (fill in the blank for what you think will bring you happiness) will never be enough.  I had a little and I had a lot and I was never happy until I made the decision to be.

So you are here.  Here you are.  Awesome!  Isn’t that great to know!  Isn’t it amazing to see your life and all that you’ve accomplished and decided and manifested because of your unique story?

And isn’t also great to know that you are in complete control of the outcome of your future simply by making subtle shifts in the way that you feel?  Once you recognize where you are and how you currently feel, you can feel your way to a better feeling vibration, which is the fastest way to get you where you want to be.

Can you look at where you are from the eyes of wonder?  Can you shift the way that you view your experiences?  Can you own the fact that you have created your entire reality with the thoughts you’ve thought and that you can continue to create consciously with new, more empowering thoughts right now?

I’m giving you 4 steps that will not only help you drop the resistance that you feel towards where you are, but will also move you in the direction of having what you really want.

  • Shift your perception about your circumstances– Find satisfaction in this present moment.  Your current reality isn’t good or bad.  It just is.  And how you choose to look at it now is shaping your future experiences.  Start focusing on what you like and what’s working and you’ll start to witness more of that.
  • Look at your past with love– Using the present moment to hold grudges and judgments of the past is the fastest way to stay stuck indefinitely.  Honor your past experiences, forgive yourself and release anyone else that you’re holding judgement towards, and wipe the slate clean completely.
  • Set your intention for what you want– You are the creator of your reality and you can have anything you want without exception.  Intend to create what you want, and focus your energy on being a co-creator with God.  Then allow the guidance that is available.
  • Live with the mindset of the person you choose to be– What would you be thinking, how would you be acting, who would you be BEING if you were the person who was living the life that you want?  Adopt that mindset NOW in whatever way you can, even if it challenges you a bit.  Ask for help from the Divine and step into BEING that person now.

Allow yourself to begin here…now.  This is your starting point.  This is your bouncing off point.  Every single experience that has brought you to now has created the desire for more.  Be thankful.  And then keep your eyes pointed ahead, on what you choose to create from this point going forward.  And then take it easy.  You will get to wherever it is you want to go if you simply keep your eyes focused forward.

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