You didn’t started your online biz so that you could struggle and force things to happen.

You didn’t want to try so hard to make sales and get clients. Your intention wasn’t to post and record videos so that people would buy your stuff.

You started this business because your heart told you it was time. Your soul wouldn’t let you wait any longer. You wanted to make a difference, change lives, reach hearts….

You wanted to wake people up to the potential they have within them. You got excited about sharing your story. You were lit up with the message burning inside of you.

You KNEW you were meant for more.  You realized then that there was meaning to your work. You couldn’t hold back and let the expression of what wanted to come through you die.  It had to be released, let out, birthed.

So have you lost your way?

Did you forget at some point that your job wasn’t to count the money and see how many people are in your group and how many views your video has?  Did you forget that the Universe is placing your product in front of the very eyes who need your message, your gifts, your talent?  It’s NOT a numbers game.  Unless you believe that the numbers are stacked heavily in your favor.

Have you forgotten that your Higher Self can run the show much better than you can? If you just allow the miracles to happen as you relax into your calling, the money will follow.

You aren’t supposed to worry about who’s reading, watching, responding, buying.

You’re just supposed to do what you do. Say what’s on your heart. Speak your truth. Listen and obey.

Ease and flow is the new rich.

Because when you’re in flow, things are easy. And things are easy when you’re in flow.

And when there’s flow and ease, the money follows. It just does.


Because when you’re in flow, the Universe has your back. When you allow things to be easy, THEY ARE!

So can you get out of your head and into your heart?

Can you give permission to the Universe to create on your behalf?

Can you agree to be the channel for Infinite Intelligence to work Its magic?

Because really….what other choice do you have?

Live small or live large. Struggle or ease. Force or flow.

Those are your choices.

And I’m pretty sure I know what you want.

So let it happen.

To you…through you….

Ease. Flow. Wealth. You can have it all.

(Photo credit to Emmanuel Dagher, author of Easy Breezy Abundance! A must read!)

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