Getting unstuck takes courage.  Don’t think for a minute that opening up to a bigger life is an easy path.

You’ve been misled to believe that if things get uncomfortable then it wasn’t meant to be, and so you sit and wait until you feel ready for the next move.  But waiting just gives you more time to wait.

If you want to live a bigger life, and expand into a bigger, more capable, happier version of yourself, you’re going to have to get uncomfortable (usually very uncomfortable) first.

Stepping into unknown territory is downright frightening, at least to your ego.  If the scenery isn’t familiar, you’re guaranteed to have a voice in your head that says what you’re doing is irresponsible, frivolous, or stupid.

It will tell you that things aren’t going to work out.  You’ll be sorry you made a mistake.  You should just play it safe.

This voice isn’t good or bad.  It’s just a program that needs your recognition, love, and acceptance.

So don’t “kick fear in the face”….I think people are too quick to want to get rid of the fear.  But the fear isn’t going to run if you fight it.  It will fight back.  The harder you push, the stronger it pushes back.

Not a fight I want to get into, you?

Ok.  So let’s try something different….something more empowering….something that will help you to transform fear into love and possibility.

What if you could just witness the story that was creating the feelings of fear?  What if you got brave enough to listen without buying into the story but bringing all of it to the surface so that it can release and move like it wants to?

Something I constantly remind myself is that I don’t have to do this work by myself.  When I feel like I have to do it all on my own, I feel stressed out, overwhelmed, and afraid that I’m not doing enough, and that nothing is going to work.  (More mind chatter to love, accept, release!)

But when I drop down into my heart and I allow my heart to do my thinking for me, I am always reminded that there is a solution to every problem that exists in the mind of God.

A Course In Miracles teaches that as soon as we detoured into the illusion of fear, God created the Holy Spirit to guide us back to love as soon as we decide to, because God corrects all mistakes the minute they happen.

But it is always a choice, because we have free will.

You can choose to fixate on your fears, or ask for the Holy Spirit to change your mind.

That’s really a big shift.

We are really quick to ask God to chance our circumstances, but what we really need is a shift in perception.

Because the way we perceive things in our lives becomes our reality.

So in order to change your reality, the quick path to being more available to receive what you want is to see things differently.

Are you more interested in what has already appeared in your physical reality?  Do you let your reality dictate what you believe is possible and available?

What you focus on expands!

So if you’re focused on the manifested reality, that’s what you experience more of.

If you want to create miracles and live a life beyond your wildest dreams, you have to have the courage to step out of the confines of this 3D world (of form) and expand your awareness to include what’s really real (5D).

Love is real.  Wealth and abundance is real.  Joy is real.  Peace is real.  Creativity is real.  Intelligence is real.  Satisfaction is real.  LIFE is real.

Anything else is just a figment of your imagination, created by your mind.  And that might feel intimidating, but when you realize that since you created it, you can un-create it, now you have your power back.

I’m not saying that you should deny your present reality.  What has already manifested has already manifested.  What hasn’t yet manifested hasn’t yet manifested.  But once you acknowledge where you are and accept this present moment, now you can choose to create something new.

So this is where the courage comes in.

It takes massive courage to believe in something you can’t see.

It takes MASSIVE courage to look beyond what you see and experience now and believe in something different.

It takes MASSIVE COURAGE to take faithful steps of action that defy all odds without any guarantee that it will work out the way you want it to.

But if you want something different (and better), this is the work.

So are you willing?

Are you willing to say yes to your yes even when you don’t feel capable in the moment?

Are you willing to take a step into the unknown where you will be met by God’s outstretched hand to support your soul’s life vision?

And are you willing to continuously do the work over and over again until it sticks?

This is how you get unstuck!  YOU get yourself unstuck….by changing your perceptions, thinking differently, taking scary actions, and then cleaning up the messes as you go along!

You have to accept that the process is going to be messy.

You have to be okay knowing that you will fail, fall, get up, stumble, fail, dust yourself off, fail again.

Nobody ever expected the baby to master walking before she was ready, right?  We just helped her along the way and celebrated every tiny achievement (and didn’t even consider beating her up emotionally when she hit the floor!)

Courage means supporting yourself and being your biggest fan even when nobody else is looking or nobody else cares.

And isn’t that where we all usually drop the ball?

We feel like we should be further than we are right now.

We are afraid that we won’t be enough.

We worry that we are going to make a big mistake.  (And you will!  But it’s totally okay.  God never holds those kinds of things against you, and He helps you course correct along the way.)

Progress happens in your life when you begin to transform your mind.

Take faithful and courageous steps from an empowered place, and go within to reset your emotions when you feel off, and then do it all over again.

Shift, act, shift, act.

That’s really it.

There’s nothing very complicated about it.  Just requires commitment, faith, and a desire that is worth it.


P.S.  I have a few spots for a free strategy session with me to identify why you’re stuck, and show you on the call how to get unstuck!  Book your free call here!  (Limited to 10 people.  This link will not work when the limit has been reached.)


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