When all else fails, let go

Letting go should be so damn simple.

Letting go should be so dam easy.

So damn natural.

Letting go is how we allow shit to flow easily into our lives!

Why is it so damn hard sometimes?

Because we want it our way, on our schedule, on our terms, exactly as we picture it.

And we believe that if we just let go, God will bring us some watered down version of what we want so He can teach us a lesson about humility or show us who’s boss!

But that way of thinking is just your small self trying to convince ou that you are separate from God, and that He might want less for you than you want for yourself.

And that couldn’t be further from the truth.

God is always aligned with your deepest desires, cheering you on, and championing your Large Self’s aspirations.

God is always with you, breathing you, BEing you, seeing life through your eyes.

There is no line where God ends and you begin.

THAT is what you’re letting go to.

That ISness that just always gives, always pours forth, always says yes!

When you’re ready, God is there to give it to you.

The question is not, “Does God want me to have this?”

The question is, “Am I ready to receive?”

And how can you know if you’re ready?

When you’ve let go of all the obsessions around your desire, completely surrendered to God the “ifs” and “whens” and “hows” and “wheres” and “whos” and all the other conditions that you feel are so important.

Those conditions are preventing you from being available, in the flow, and ready to accept the miracles you’ve been asking for.


Let go.

When all else fails, (because eventually, if you’re trying to control things, they will!) let the eff go!

Hand it over.



I of myself can do nothing.  But with God, all things are possible.

When we remember that we are the branch and God is the vine, we remember that we are simply an extension of the life of God.  When the branch is cut off from it’s source, it withers and dies.  But when it is one with the vine, it receives all the life that is available from the vine, and it thrives.

The branch doesn’t have to worry about where it’s abundance comes from.  It simply receives.

(It also doesn’t worry whether or not it’s worthy!  Which is a different topic for another day….but think about it!)

Receive by letting go.

That is the path.

It really is that simple, that easy, that natural.

It really is.

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