Does it seem terrifying to think that maybe you could just show up without any proper training, education, external influence, and already be enough, have enough to share and give in order to be successful?

Most people would not be okay with just trusting that all you need is already inside of you and that as you make yourself available to the power of the Universe, that all you need will be given to you.

There’s too much anxiety and fear and maybe even proof that this is NOT the way to answer the calling of your heart.  That you’re setting yourself up for failure, ridicule, judgement.

I think that if I believed the way that most people believe, I would prepare, and outline, and research, and practice all before showing up and speaking.  And let me tell you, I actually have done that.  For me, it’s exhausting!  I personally don’t even know the best way to create an outline.  So there’s that.  And if all of that helps you feel better about what you’re going to say or do in order to share your message, than great!  Do it!

For me, it just brought more anxiety.  I would compare myself to everyone else online as I started to research what others were talking about trying to find my topic of conversation.  I ended up finding other people who were delivering the message I wanted to deliver but better.  More eloquent.  Or whatever reason my conscious mind could come up with as to why I should just stay quiet.

But staying quiet wasn’t part of the game I was called to play.  I was called to speak and share in whatever way it wants to come out in whatever moment it decides to come out.

It doesn’t always happen easily, but I do show up.  And it doesn’t always come out brilliantly, but I share anyway.  And the more I am able to share, and the more I show up, the more and more impressed I am with the way that God is able to use me.

The message gets deeper.  The words flow more powerfully.  It just happens.  It’s how it’s supposed to be.  When you say yes to the Universe, the Universe says yes to  you.

So when I ask for the words, all I do is just show up.  I say, “Use me God, however you want to.  And help me to get out of the way so that your light, your message, your truth, will be spoken through me.  Help me to let go of my personal agenda and just tell me what to say and then put this message in front of the 1 or 1 million people who need it!  I surrender the outcome!”

I’m not sure about you, but that just works a whole lot easier than to leave the plan in my own hands.  Trying to figure out what needs to be said when God already knows.  Trying to figure out how to make it look pretty and sound great when the words are already perfectly arranged by a power who knows way more than I ever could?  That’s not for me.

Perhaps I’m trying to slack a little.  Maybe I just don’t want to work that hard.  I’m okay with either of those reasons.  The fact is, when I try, my mind gets in the way and my content won’t knock it out of the park.

And when I don’t try and I just become an empty vessel for God to use, I feel completely happy, filled up, available for miracles, and of service.

I guess you can do it however you want to.  But my assumption is that you want flow to just happen.  And you can’t effort flow into being.  You can just ask for it to show up, and then you make your presence known!  “Here I am!  USE ME!”

It will!  OMG will it use you!  Because that’s what life is all about!  Using anyone willing to show up for life so that life can express itself to everyone else on this beautiful planet!

And guess who reaps the rewards?  That’s right gorgeous!  YOU do!

Because when you become that empty vessel, God fills you up and you receive and then give from the fullness of your cup running over and then more is given to you to share!  Do you see?

Let’s just commit right now, shall we?  Commit to allowing the magic of Life to manifest through us.  Commit to receiving all that life has to offer in the form of answers, opportunities, manifestations, miracles, abundance, joy, laughter, and any other good thing that adds to the wonderfulness of this life.

Remember, you have the blueprint within you to have it all!  You were born for greatness!  Peel back the layers of limitation and reveal your limitless self!



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