You say you want that thing you want.  You want it so bad that you can hardly stand the excitement of it all!  Oh how wonderful life would be if only….

If only you could figure out a way to make it happen.  If only you could wave your magic wand and finally get what you want.

You swear you’d do anything if you just knew what that was.  The taste of success feels sweet yet from where you stand it also feels inaccessible.

But let me ask you, because it really does matter more than you know…How bad do you REALLY want it?  Are you really invested in your desires, willing to do what it takes to make it happen?

You say that you want that success, that money, that blissful state, that connection.  You know you can have it all and dammit you want it too!    But then what are you actually doing to be available to receive?

Are you doing the necessary mindset work to clear out the beliefs that now block you from allowing the life of your dreams to effortlessly appear in your reality?  I’m not talking about reading a book or watching an inspiring video and then just carrying on like, “la di da, I did the work.  Now where’s my stuff?”  I’m talking about a-p-p-l-i-c-a-t-i-o-n.  Are you doing the work.

Are you determined as hell to shift what isn’t working?  Are you completely intentional about the thoughts you allow to stay planted in your mind?  Is your vibration more important than pleasing other people, looking good, being right, or staying comfortable in your familiar world of discomfort?

Are you choosing thoughts and beliefs that empower you?  Or are you just letting the old thoughts that you’ve always allowed in your mind continue to poison your life as you stay strapped and limited in the world you’ve created?

Are you taking inspired action and following the breadcrumb trail that your higher self is setting out for you so that you are putting yourself into the flow of miracles?

Or is fear winning this war day by day?

Is the voice of fear and the possibility of publicly failing stronger than your dreams?  Fear does not matter.  It doesn’t exist.  YOU are creating it….giving it life.  You can pull the plug and stop giving it life support instantly and you’ll see it was never real.

Because if shit isn’t working in your life right this minute, I’m going to piss you off but it needs to be said….you really just don’t care enough.

You want it but not badly.  You choose comfort and familiarity over empowerment and possibility.

If your life was on the line, or the life of someone you dearly love, would you find a way to do it?  Would you drop the fear like a bad habit and just do the damn thing?  Would you just simply decide to take that first step and then the next despite the thoughts that might plague your mind?

I don’t have to wait for your answer.  Of course you would.

One of my favorite spiritual empowerment gurus, Bentinho Massaro, says that if you could do it, you can do it.

So you can.  You absolutely can.

But will you?

Does what you want matter enough to you?  Do your dreams, inspirations, the tugging at your heart, do they matter?

Don’t “yes, but…” me.  Please just don’t.  What you say after “…but” has zero value and no truth.

You came here to have certain experiences.  The desires placed on your heart are there because YOU were meant to have them.  You were born for it!  Every single earthly desire that lights you up was meant for you to have.  From the physical, tangible, material objects like that beautiful rose gold mac book pro and the amazing, exhilarating shopping sprees with bags of gorgeous clothes draping both arms as if in a movie shot on Rodeo Drive, to the deep, purposeful work that will change lives in the process.  From the stuff to the overflowing joy of life.  ALL OF IT is spiritual.

And all of it was meant for you.

I have a belief that when we die, we get to review our lives and then see what was really possible without the self-imposed limits that we allowed to hold us back.

When I review my life, I want to be as close to the the pinnacle of possibility as I can be.

That wasn’t always the case.  I allowed the fears and beliefs to limit me for over a decade.  And that was while I was learning all of the mindset and manifesting stuff!  I was reading the books, taking the courses, attending the seminars.

But I wasn’t doing the MF work!  I was waiting for things to change so that I could apply what I knew.  I was waiting until my debt was paid off before I could start believing that I was wealthy.  I was waiting until my business started thriving so that I could start implementing the idea that I was successful.  I thought that my problems were bigger than the solutions that my higher self had for me.  So that is what I created.

How powerful!  Do you see just how powerful we are?  We are so damn powerful that if we choose problems over solutions then we keep ourselves stuck!  That’s power!

But now I use my power in a different way.  I don’t use it to keep me in a mental prison of lack, limitation, and “when-I-have”.  I use it to create a life I’m madly in love with.  I use my power to align with the blueprint of my life and start living like a rock star!  I use my power to give fear the middle finger and start living my purpose.

I use my power to imagineer life with no limits.  I use my power to tap into the infinite energy that creates worlds that is available in unlimited quantity for me!

It starts with a choice and it continues with complete dedication to do whatever it takes until it sticks and then keep doing it because life is all about creation.  YOU are the creator; the chooser.

Create with intention.  Dream.  Realize your power.  Wake up!

Anything is possible.

What life do you choose?

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