You’ve been taught to do it, it’s not your fault.  But by you choosing how you feel based on what has already manifested, you are unconsciously making the choice to stay stuck.

Circumstances feel like they matter.  But they really don’t.  They don’t define what’s possible.  They don’t determine what you’re capable of.  They don’t represent who you are….not one bit.

But if you obsess over what you can see with your physical eyes and try to change the landscape of what is in front of you before you feel empowered, abundant, good enough, or worthy, you’re always going to come up short.

Your vibration matters so much.  It’s the only thing that really does matter.  Not only because it will most certainly manifest the things, situations, and outcomes that you want, but because it is the very thing that lets you know if you’re allowing God access to your world in any given moment.

God is able to manifest in this physical world only through you.  God needs you as much as you need God.  This game of physical reality is only complete with the participation of both.

When you think thoughts like, “I’m not good enough!” “I could never have that!” “I can’t afford that!”, you are cutting God off from allowing His blessings to flow in a million different possible ways.
Asking for what you want isn’t selfish. It’s creation. It’s expression. It’s experience. It’s what you came here for.
And when you do your part by selflessly asking for what you want, you give God permission to experience that very same thing through you.
What is selfish is stopping God from expressing His brilliance and miracles through the vessel that you are.
Remember that next time you decide to settle in any way. Your playing small isn’t serving anybody.

You waiting for confirmation of change before believing is doing it completely backwards.  It’s like telling the doctor to show you a baby before you start taking care of your body in preparation for the birth.  It’s like telling the canvas to display the artwork before picking up your paintbrush.  You’ll be staring at that blank canvas for a very long time waiting!  

You are the artist of your own life!  Start to paint using the images in your mind.  Start generating the frequency and essence of what you want to create right now!  It is all up to you!
It always has been!  You’ve always been the creator.  Even before you realized you were.  Even when it feels like you have no control.  Even when you’re experiencing things you wish you weren’t.  You’re doing it all, and it is all serving you immensely.
Everything is perfect just the way that it is.  You don’t have to like it, but if you can appreciate all things now and choose what you want in this moment, you will find that more of what you want does increase and you’ll have less of what you don’t.
What is the energy that you’re giving to what you’ve already created?  How much focus are you placing on the old news of what is?  How much of your energy is being spent on things that ultimately don’t matter anymore?
Because that energy that you’re spending is showing up as evidence.
Spend it less on worry.  Spend it less on fear.  Spend it less on thinking about what isn’t working and what hasn’t happened yet.
Reclaim your energy now and decide consciously what you want to spend it on.  Spend it on imagining a life without limits.  Spend it on feeling abundant now.  Spend it on tapping into the vibration of ease and trust and grace.
Who do you want to be?  Be her now.  Not when you feel confident.  Not when you feel capable.  Not when you feel good enough.  Not when you feel rich enough.  NOW.
What do you want to have?  Express the essence of that NOW.  Not when you have more money.  Not when the plans have been made.  Not when the bills have been paid.  NOW.
The more you open yourself up to the invisible energy of creation, the more God is able to use you.  So you’ll notice that you become more capable as you show up, just willing to do what you can.  You’ll notice you become more abundant as you show up, just willing to give what you can.    You become a larger vessel for more to flow through.
So allow the evidence to be a fleeting celebration and then return back to what’s really real, which is your vibe.  That is ultimately the only thing that really matters.
I’d love to know, what is the one thing that feels impossible for you to let go of?



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