
Let’s explore that word for a moment.  What does that mean to you?  Can you even wrap your head around it?  Unlimited and forever.  When I think of how much I love my children, infinity might be easier to understand.  It’s forever and ever and all possible and whatever you want!


This is your potential.  This is what you can have.  This is what you have access to.

You are not limited by any set of rules that says you can have all the things except that one thing you really want.  You are not limited to a handful of certain opportunities because of your past education or upbringing.  You are not limited to anything!

You came from a spiritual dimension not of this world with the intention to create and manifest whatever lit you up.  And day to day is different.  And that’s great!  This world is a playground to focus and desire and experience and make more requests all based on what you’ve already seen and touched and felt.  Life just gets better and better because the more you experience the deeper your desires.

Can’t you see that life isn’t supposed to be so serious.  And it’s definitely not supposed to be so restricting, so compromising, so settling for what you think you can have instead of exactly what you want.

Life isn’t something that only the select few are supposed to enjoy while the rest slave away and make money for the rich.  Everyone, and I mean everyone, deserves to be happy, wealthy, and successful.  In their own way.  And that is different for everyone.

How does that look for you?  What is your idea of bliss? What would you create if you could wave a magic wand and have whatever you wanted?  Who would you be?  What would you be doing?

Most of us have this belief that it would be nice if we just had a little more money.  Or wouldn’t it be nice if I could live “that” lifestyle.  Or “if only I had done things differently” or “if only I was raised by different parents”…..

Or “when I have more money I’ll be happy”, “when I’m in a job I like I’ll be able to relax a little…” Or whatever.

Listen up!  Nothing outside of you determines your possibilities.  There is no circumstance that has ever happened that has cut you off to receive exactly what you want.

You are an infinite being with powers that are far beyond your comprehension that you will never have the capacity to experience all of that power in this lifetime.  But if you even tapped into a teeny, tiny fraction of that potential there would suddenly be a world available for you where you simply ask and it is given.

And I’m talking about IT ALL!  All the things.  Everything without limits.  Nothing too big.  Nothing beyond your worthiness.

The genius.  The creativity.  The brilliant expression.  The wealth.  The success.  The fame.  The second home.  The island.

Do you get it?

The only thing that is limiting you or cutting you off in any way is the beliefs that prevent you from seeing your infinite potential.  Infinite wisdom and abundance is always available but if you keep looking at limitation, lack, where you’ve been, even where you are right now if it’s not exciting you, then in this moment you’re cutting yourself off.

You see yourself as a human being who was born on a certain day with a certain set of traits and talents and will die on a certain day.

But you are so much more than that.  Who you see in the mirror and perceive yourself to be is only 1% of the total picture!  Most of you is invisible, spiritual, God!  Yes, I said it.  You are.

How would you show up for life if you knew that you could just do what you want, be you, show up for life, have fun, and because you aligned with what was fun and exciting and purposeful, you were aligning with your every desire?  What then?

Listen to the self-talk as you contemplate the above.  And unless you’re saying to yourself, “hell to the yes, that’s what I do every day and my life is just one miracle after another!” you have some work to do.

Because whatever limiting thoughts crossed your mind, that is exactly why you aren’t experiencing life on a larger scale.  That’s why you don’t manifest what you want as quickly as you want.

And if you’re going to tell me that changing your thoughts is hard and doing the inner work doesn’t work for you, I’m going to tell you the same thing.  It’s THOSE thoughts that you have to change in order to experience what I’m talking about here.  If you think it’s impossible or that I’m just speaking fun, fluffy words that have little meaning, then you’ll never get to experience what I’m talking about.

If you can choose whatever you want, why wouldn’t you choose for it to be easy?  Why wouldn’t you choose to just do the inner work because it’s the only way for you to really live?  Why wouldn’t you just ask for a host of Heavenly angels to assist you?  They can…they will…you are not in this game alone.

It’s not up to you to make anything happen.  That’s not your job.  Neither is figuring out how.  Or even exactly when.  What your job is is to align with your inner guide, your higher self, who already has your back and is working everything out for you even before you have the chance to ask.  Just line up with that and you’ll be a witness of the most miraculous life you could imagine!

Don’t look back to the past to determine what’s possible.  Don’t look at your present moment for the evidence of what you desire (unless you can find it!  And then relish in that!).  Your power is in this moment and what you are thinking, feeling, and believing right now.

Right here and right now.

This is where all of your power is.

Let go of the past.  Let go of your previous experiences.

And tap into the inner infinite power that is available to you.

It is here, now, and available.

I love you!

P.S.  It’s happening this coming Monday!
——>Wake Up Wealthy 1:1 VIP experience!<——-

5 weeks 1:1 with me!  Weekly calls and DAILY access to me via Voxer or messenger and everything that you need to merge your spiritual potential and your material desires!

You came here to experience life exactly as you wanted it to be.
No limits.
It’s time you stop compromising, living limited, restricted, and cut off.

Want to catapult your success and get more done next month than you have all year?

If you’ve wanted to work with me to wake up to the inner potential that is waiting to be discovered so that you can live a life that lights you up and excites you (instead of wondering year after year wtf you’re supposed to do with this one fabulous life) then now’s your chance.

This is for you if:
 You have a vision of your life filled with wealth, adventure, and success but you’re not currently living that vision
 You know you were meant for more but you have no idea how to actually get there
 You have mental blocks and limiting beliefs (that feel SO REAL) that are holding you back from taking action and making change
 You desperately want change but from where you stand it feels impossible
You’ve been trying to manifest a better life but haven’t been successful on your own

If your pattern is putting things off, procrastinating, thinking you don’t have time or cant afford it right now….

That pattern will always be your threshold. And for as long as you believe it, you will settle, play small, and live a boring, unfulfilled life.

And when you finally break that pattern and become the person who is ready to do whatever it takes, including investing in yourself and making the time for yourself no matter how hard, a whole new life becomes available.

A life of your choosing.

Wealth, happiness, fulfillment, confidence, connection.

Its all here with your name on it waiting for you to claim it!

Here’s how I can help you:
I can identify exactly how you are holding yourself back
 Help you to shift your limited mindset and learn how to reprogram your mind so that it supports you in reaching your goals and dreams
Connect with you daily to break the habits of old limited thinking
Guide you to creating a life vision that lights you up and excites you
Get you into action baby! Taking the first steps in becoming the next version of you will not feel comfortable. I want to support you in getting that momentum you require to make permanent and lasting change.

What would your life look like if you woke up every day knowing that you were living your best life? If you got to just be you and share your light with the world and get paid.

How would things change if you had the confidence to take action in spite of your fears?

Aren’t you over playing small?

Dont you remember you were meant for bigger things?

Message me on FB if you’d like one of the only 3 spots left. And send me any questions if you need clarity before beginning.

I’ll get on the phone and talk with you about what you need.

Isn’t it time you said yes! to yourself?




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