With all the talk that’s happening around money blocks and confidence, I don’t see too many people actually combining them and drawing the connection that one effects the other.

Entrepreneurs block themselves from receiving money through their business in ways that others don’t necessarily deal with.  And feeling not good enough is most definitely at the top of the list.

If you have a huge calling on your life and you know you were meant to serve in a powerful way, the mental blocks that you come across are going to be equally as big.  The bigger the calling, the bigger the blocks!

But if you know this, then when those big blocks come up and try to fail you, you can just laugh and remember that they were going to do this.  It was part of the plan.

What if it really could be that easy?  Just laughing at the thought that you aren’t good enough?

It really is laughable, if you think about it.  I mean, God would never give you a desire that you couldn’t have.  And He would never place on your heart something you were supposed to do in this lifetime without completely endowing you with all the talent you require to see it through.

You already have everything you need to be as successful as you want to be.

But you have to accept it.  Realize it.  Wake up to it.

When you accept your worthiness, you open yourself up to more abundance because you see yourself as someone who has value to give in exchange for money!

It doesn’t feel gross charging for your service when you know you’re giving back massive value 10x what they paid!

But it starts with believing that you are good enough!  Can you see how these two things fit together?

Almost all of the time, women who I speak with that don’t feel like they’re good enough actually shine brighter than others who might not even really have as much talent.  It reminds me of the prettiest girl in the room who is so insecure and doesn’t feel pretty at all.  Somehow this happens!

On the flip side, I see women online completely slaying it and I don’t really see what’s the big deal!  You know?

It’s all in the belief that they have in themselves!

So if the only difference is belief in yourself and your capability, then just hand it over to God and ask that He be the talent and the enoughness in your biz!  Because the two of you are one anyway!  You are God manifest.  The real you is God.  How can that not be good enough?

Your real job isn’t to learn more (necessarily), or work longer hours, or try harder.  You real job is to expand your awareness of who you are beyond your physical form and allow that invisible power to work miracles through you.

As you get out of the way, and not give a shit about what you know or how worthy you feel and just ask God to be the words that you speak, and that He direct your path, you’ll notice that your confidence just naturally rises.  You don’t even have to really do much mindset work.

The mindset work would be convincing yourself that YOU are good enough.  But this shortcut actually doesn’t argue with the limiting belief.  Because from the level of your limited self, you AREN’T good enough.  You’ll never be enough when you function from your personality/ego.  Your fearful mind will always get in the way and limit you.

But if you just agree and decide that it’s God who will run the show, share the message, write the copy, attract the clients, and perform the miracles, then it’s really not about you anyway!

You just show up and be available!  Do what you can as you’re guided and trust that your ability to connect and flow will improve over time.

And just you wait and see!  Abundance will increase in your business and you’ll make more money simply by no longer worrying weather or not you’re good enough!

Oh!  And a side benefit?  YOU ACTUALLY FEEL WORTHY AF!


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