Want to know why you keep failing at your new year’s goals?

Because you keep looking ahead thinking that someday, somehow, you will be the person who has what you want, feels how you want to feel, and is capable of achieving what you now only dream of.

You are living a small, sheltered life, hiding from your light, wondering when your ship will arrive.

But you have forgotten that all of life, heaven, Source is WITHIN YOU.

YOU ARE the answer you’ve been seeking.

There is no place to go and nothing to achieve.  It is time for you to stop pretending that you are not the light of the world.  There is nothing to add to this moment to make it better.

No distant accomplishment is going to make you into a better person.  You already have all you need within you.

Reaching for more outside of you to validate you, make you feel secure, make you feel like you can finally take a breath and relax because you have what you’ve been seeking….these moments are exactly what prevent you from the realization that you are whole, complete, and perfect, totally one with all that is, and completely provided for in. this. moment.

You fell asleep.  You don’t remember and you don’t know when.  But it happened.  It happened to us all.  But it is time to wake up.

There is no future destination; no version of you that you need to improve.  The journey is not from here to there.  The journey starts here with the remembrance that you never left and there is no place to go.

You have arrived.  You are in heaven.  You never left.  You just forgot.  You got lost in the dream/illusion of separation.

No more reaching.  No more seeking.  No more improving.  No more needing.

No more trying.  No more efforting.  No more pushing.  No more striving.

Wake up!  When you do, the Truth of You will be revealed.  And to the degree that you do, more of You will be revealed.

You get to live, create, express, and experience however your Soul desires!

Who would you be if you KNEW this was true?

What would you embody if you knew you couldn’t fail?

What would you create if you held the belief that everything you required existed within you and that YOU created the world around you?

What would your world look like if you expressed from the depths of your Soul everything you wanted to see….living from the inside out.

Oh can you see?

You’ve been seeing life backwards.  Starring at a mirror and asking your reflection to change!  Waiting for the picture to shift so that you can finally like what you see!  But don’t you know by now, the picture will never change until you change the image.

Begin shifting the way that you see yourself.  Don’t allow excuses to stand in the way of who you actually are.

“But I don’t have the time!”  “What will they think of me?”  “I can’t until….”

But if you have already arrived, if you already have everything you need to BE the version of you who is thriving, serving her purpose, living luxuriously, then all of those excuses are just preventing you from seeing what’s really there: your magnificence.

How would you be living your life if you did not know any limits?  How would you show up for life if you knew you already had the perfect conditions to THRIVE?

What if there really was nothing outside of you to discover?  What if there was just more of you to discover within?

Can you turn your gaze within?  Will you be brave enough to seek for what you’re looking for by looking inside of you?

That is the only way you will discover what you’re looking for!

Exactly what is it that you’re looking for?  Success?  Fulfillment?  Satisfaction?  Creativity?  Expression?  Passion?

None of this could ever exist anywhere but here.

Life isn’t something that is just happening to you.  Don’t you get it?  Life isn’t this random occurrence that, if you’re lucky, you’ll get the house, job, and great looking man.

Life is an expression of your consciousness.

It is happening through you.  As you.

The question is not whether or not you have what it takes.  The real question is, will you realize that you already have what it takes, always have, and always will.

It is available for you to claim.

Fear, doubt, and worry have no place here.  Limitation is an illusion.  “If only…” doesn’t make sense.

What makes you come alive?  Do that.  Be that.  Show up that way. 

Because that is the life you were born to live.


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