Who is it that you want to be?  You have that burning desire within to become more, I know you do.

But you’re waiting!  You’re waiting for things to change.  For your circumstances to shift.  You’re waiting for confirmation from the Universe that you are worthy enough to receive.

If you continue waiting, you’ll continue waiting.

The Universe isn’t going to show you your worth.  The Universe is going to reflect back to you what you believe about yourself.  The truth is that you are worthy already.  You were born worthy and nothing you can do will diminish your God-given worthiness.  You have ultimate power to create whatever you desire in this lifetime.  That’s how worthy you are.

God has given you such power to create your life that you can choose mediocrity.  Is that what you want to do with your infinite power?  Decide what you want, and then get it.

When you wait for circumstances to change, the fact that you are waiting is the vibration you are demonstrating.  So guess what you’re going to see reflected back to you?  Reasons why you should wait.

But if you don’t wait, the world will meet you where you are and literally bow down to your every desire.

BECOME what you want.  BE the person who is living the life you desire.  BE IT NOW!

Literally do not wait.  Don’t wait!  What would you be waiting for?  YOU are the creator!

Waiting creates waiting!  Movement, doing, BEING creates situations that support you in being, doing, and having more!

Master the art of not waiting.  This is will accelerate your manifesting power exponentially.

Your life is a unique expression of God.  God wants to experience life through you and your unique “theme” in this lifetime.  EXPRESSION first.  EXPERIENCE first.  Experience your desires before they manifest!  Enjoy your manifestations before they become physical!

How do you want to live your life?

What are you waiting for?  What you wait for holds you down,

stops you,

slows down your vibration.

Don’t wait anymore!  How can you step up and DO more, BE more of who you want to be NOW?

Don’t continue reading until you answer those questions.

You can even write them in the comments!  Claim who you want to be!  Make a public declaration!

Decide now that you are not going to wait another day…another minute before shifting your consciousness and stepping into the person who you want to be!

And from that energy, take one inspired step; something that might scare you a little bit and expand your comfort zone.  When you expand your comfort zone, you start to see what you’re really capable of.

And I promise you, you’re capable of so much more than you can now realize.

You are capable of so much more than you will EVER realize!

Keep testing your limits.  Question what’s possible.  Step into your greatness.  It is there waiting to be experienced!


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