Why are you still making life so damn hard?  Why do you continue to think this way when you already know that your mind is your only obstacle?  Why don’t you just realize once and for all that you have everything you need inside of you to have what you want?

Life isn’t actually hard at all.  Making money isn’t hard.  It’s the easiest thing on the planet.  You ask and receive.  Is that hard?  NO!

So why are you so committed to your old way of thinking?  Why are you arguing for your limitations?  Why babe why?

Why are you so hell bent on seeing things as they are when all it does it perpetuate what is.

You’re making all of this up.  It’s imagined.  Pretend really.

Why would you pretend anything except excellence?  Especially knowing that eventually whatever you pretend will actually show up in your world!

You’ve been at this for a while.  So  I’m not going to remind you of what you already know.  You know, all the stuff about you creating your own reality.  You know that.  You know the stuff like what you think about and feel about comes about.  Yada yada.

Let’s not go back to the basics again where you act like you don’t really know.  You don’t need to learn this stuff again.  You just have to apply it.

You have to call forth what you desire.  You have to claim it and then lock that shit in and get on with your life.  You have to decide that you get to be abundant and prosperous and free!  You GET to decide that.

Why won’t you commit to making your vibration the only thing that ultimately matters.  Don’t tell me that the distraction of not having what you want right now is too strong.  Don’t tell me that you can’t do it because it’s too hard.  Don’t tell me that you don’t have what it takes or that it’s impossible.

I’ve heard it all before and it’s all just excuses.  You can and if you want what you want, then you must.  You just must.

Tomorrow will pass soon enough and your head will hit the pillow again and before you go to sleep, one of two things will have happened.  Either you will have raised your vibration, evolved, become a bigger person with a bigger vibrational container to hold more prosperity and abundance, or you will feel stuck, disappointed, frustrated and afraid that things just might never change for you.

Here’s the thing that is most important for you to realize.

Either way, it was a choice.

And either way, you’ll have gone another 24 hours living ANYWAY!  So why not make the choice to live it the way you want to?  Is changing your thought and raising your vibration really that difficult?  Or is staying stuck and watching everyone else manifest what they want while you just keep wondering wtf you’re doing wrong easier? THAT is what seems hard to me.  The struggle of watching someone else live the life you dream about while you exist day after day wondering when it’s going to get easier and committing to yourself that one day when you have more money or time or when the kids are older or when things aren’t so complicated or difficult you’ll start to do the inner work.

When the inner work is all you’ve ever needed to do in order to receive more money, more time, more energy, more cooperation for the Universe.

You KNOW what you’re doing that isn’t working!  You just aren’t dedicated enough to your desires to actually change it.  You aren’t willing to do the work when the work feels hard.

Just do it!  Seriously do it.  Commit!  No matter what.  No. Matter. What.  It’s that serious.

Life is supposed to be fun.  But you have to be serious about your fun, ok?  You have to take this adventure very seriously!  Otherwise your fear will win.  If you slack, care less, give in, put it off, you’re going to have to deal with the consequences of having less than you want, living unfulfilled, settling for what you’re given, just scraping by.  Is that worth it?

No, of course it’s not.  So let’s put things into perspective, mmmmkay?

This one precious life is yours to do whatever you want.  Let me say that again.  THIS ONE PRECIOUS LIFE is YOURS to do WHATEVER you want.

What DO you want?

This?  Are you okay with this?

Not that you’re ungrateful.  But is this where you want to stop?

We were born to evolve and create and grow which means there’s always more.  One desire leads to the next.  You weren’t built to mold your life to a certain point and then just stop.  The completion of one vision is the beginning of another.  And in between there’s more vision and possibilities that are available for you to express and experience.

It’s a beautiful dance with life!

Won’t you play?  Won’t you dance?  This is your time!

Just picture what’s on the other side of all of this.  Imagine what life will look like when you just decide that you’re only available for goodness and miracles?  Pretend that you can just let go of the illusions that surround you and make believe that you already have what you want.

This make believe workshop is the making of a bran new life experience for you.  And it’s happening right now as you think about it.  The vibration is getting stronger and the manifestation is getting closer.  It’s practically done.  It IS done!  Can you feel it?

You are abundant now.  You were born rich.  Life is supposed to be easy.  You can do this.

The Universe has your back babe.  And that’s the only support you need.

But if you want even more reassurance, all me to stand in that space for you.  And remind you that you already have what it takes if you’ll only just let go.

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