It doesn’t matter where you’ve been.  But I’ve noticed you’ve been off your game for a while. Not too bad, but not playing all out.  What’s going on?  Do you feel like you’re losing momentum?  Have you stopped your manifesting magic and can’t remember exactly how to get back in the flow of miracles?

Lucky for you, it doesn’t matter where you’ve been.  It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been gone.   It doesn’t matter how far off you’ve strayed.

You’re still okay.

And you can start right now to refocus, to bring yourself back to what you desire, and **snap** just like that…There you are!

Let your emotions be your guiding light.  If you’ve felt off, frustrated, struggling, limited, or stifled, let that be your sign that you are not in that moment aligned with what you are wanting to create.  Those emotions are great actually, not that they feel great, but that they are telling you some key information if you would just listen.

They are telling you that you are not in alignment with the truth of your being.  You are limiting yourself in some way, not seeing yourself through the eyes of God, and it doesn’t feel good because you’re cutting yourself off from the life-force energy that is the bigger version of YOU!

Limiting yourself shouldn’t feel good.  So you know that your emotional guidance system is working even when you feel like shit!  P.S.  You won’t feel good all of the time so just forget about it!  Be okay with wherever you are and just feel your way back to wholeness.

So you’ve had a time where you’ve felt off your game.  Things haven’t been working out.  You’re in a funk.

Okay, so now what.

I mean, not to minimize the struggle, but why perpetuate it?  Why dwell?  Is there any need to stay here longer?  You’re already halfway there now that you’ve acknowledged that this isn’t how you want to feel, and ultimately the manifestation isn’t what you want to experience.  Great!

So how DO you want to feel?  What do you choose in this moment to bring into form?  How do you want to use your marvelous mind to pick from infinity what life experiences you get to have?

Can you just decide and switch?  (Of course you can…will you though)

I’m going to suggest that you do.  That you just decide here and now that feeling like life is impossible or that you can’t have what you want or that it’s going to take a long time before it happens is a belief you no longer buy into.  Flip that shit around!  What do you want to believe?

Declare that you choose differently now.  And then do it.  What would that look like for you?  What would you decide if you could decide anything?  Would you decide that your desires happen fast, with ease, and always packaged in fun?  Would you decide that this is the moment that everything changed for you?  Would you decide that you put your foot down, drew the line in the sand and made the declaration to the world (or just yourself and God is fine btw ;)) that you’re doing things differently from now on.  From now on you’re taking control of your mind and the thoughts that are entertained there.  That you are God’s partner in this lifetime to create a life that only you could create.  A combination of choices and experiences and moments that only you’ll get to create ever in the history of ever.

There’s no time like the present and everything really can change from that one decision.  Your mind is responsible for what you allow into your life (or keep at arm’s length!).  Doesn’t it just make sense that you discipline that shit with the highest level of urgency?  That you make the way you think more important than the actions you take and almost anything else?  (Your connection to God always being the #1 most important thing!  If you really were able to stay connected to God, and knew who you were through God’s eyes, we wouldn’t be having this conversation anyway!)

Be determined.  Tell yourself over and over and over and over again until it sticks.  I am choosing differently now.  I’m choosing to see my life through God’s perspective.  I am unlimited and I can have what I want and I’m worthy of it because I’m alive and I’m a child of God and it is my birthright.  I’m not selfish in a bad way, I’m not bad at all!  I am good and all that I desire is good and the more I receive the more I get to give.

Now it’s your turn.  Try it.  Make it yours.  Own it.  Heaven only knows this is your one life.  Your one chance to make the most of it.  Your chance to have fun, create, experience, buy, share, express, enjoy, BE UNLIMITED!

Do you know what that means?  Can you grasp that?  NO LIMITS baby!  None.  Except the ones you’re putting on yourself right now.  So stop!  Choose what you want and then do your part to be available for it to show up.  And until then expect it.  Expect it because it already exists in vibrational form.

Everything is about to turn around for you.  Not because the stars are finally aligned, not because you’ve passed the test, not because you did something to earn it, but because you’ve finally made the decision that this is the way it is going to be.

It starts with a decision.  And really that’s ultimately all it takes.  Choosing and getting out of your way.

Choosing and allowing.

Choosing and witnessing.

It’s already done.  Relax.  Breathe.  Enjoy.  Expect.

Expect miracles.

And you shall have them.

Not tomorrow.  (Well…yes.  Tomorrow TOO….) BUT…..

Starting today.  Starting now.  Starting yesterday.

It is already done!


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