Soul expansion is a crazy, sexy, wild fucking ride.

If you’ve ever experienced it on any level, you know exactly what I mean.

New insights happen over night and you literally wake up a different person.

Things that once held you back and plagued your mind no longer have any power over you.  It’s like they simply vanished (along with the old self you shed the night before!)

And one day you just realize that this whole expansion thing?….It’s never ending.

You hit one high and you think that’s the top of the mountain and then you realize that it’s actually the bottom of another higher pinnacle.

This is the time for rapid transformation.  The energy that is filling the Souls of millions of people right now is elevating this planet so quickly it is literally making my body feel like it’s filled with electricity.

I have had this experience before.  I know that this will become my new norm.  But right now my body can’t even handle the new frequency that is pulsing through it.

It feels exhilarating and overwhelming at the same time.  My mind wants to know what to do with all of this and my Soul keeps lovingly reminding me that I don’t need to figure it out right now.

I’ve been told (Soul convo) that the vision for my life is too big to hand over to me right now.  I just need to take it one step at a time.  And that excites me and ALSO overwhelms me a little bit too!

Because I still have that nagging voice that asks if I’m capable.  It tries to defeat me with ideas that it’s so far off and unreachable.

But my soul reminds me that it is NOW.  It is happening.  This shift is not something that I’m preparing for.  It is something I’m participating in.

I’m choosing to say YES, no matter how ready or not ready I feel.  Who has EVER felt completely ready before they took that leap?  Nobody!

Why?  Because transformation means stepping into someone your ego can’t recognize right now.  You have to trust the vision and calling of your Soul.  You have to just be willing to show up and do whatever you’re guided to do often without knowing what the final result will be.

And have you noticed too, that it often doesn’t even make sense?  Or in hindsight the lesson was quite different than the one you thought it was?

Expansion and BEcoming is a brain-scramble!  So if your head feels messy, uncertain, or confused, GUESS WHAT?


It means you’re entering into unknown territory.  And THAT is the place where this rapid transformation that I’m talking about takes place.

But if you didn’t know that that’s what was happening…you might run in the opposite direction.  You might run back to your safety zone where it’s comfortable and easy.

So I’m here to remind you that whatever is coming up for you, it is coming up to serve you.

These small, limited patterns of thinking will not survive the next level you.

So you either have to stay with them (not recommended) or decide to let them go.

And the only way you can let them go is to become aware of them.

Do you get it?  Can you see?

The fact that you are feeling all this overwhelm, fear, maybe even sheer terror is a gift!  THANK YOU UNIVERSE!

Now what is your choice?


Well I know damn well what your choice is.  YOU choose release and ride this wild ride!

YOU choose to expand, evolve, transform.

You’re done with the playing small and existing in the suffocating world that you have outgrown.

You are here to usher in the new awakening.

So you must do the work first.

Congratulations beauty!  I honor your brevity.

This is not the path of the uncertain.

This is not the path of the “maybe I’ll give it a try”.

You must go all in, commit, and don’t stop until forever.

The ride is an eternal one.  With constant new levels of awakening.

Isn’t it brilliant and beautiful!

I wouldn’t have it any other way!


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