There was a day when I used to pray to a God “up there”, very hopeful that He would hear me.

I was often disappointed when I didn’t receive an answer, or get what I was asking for.

I thought maybe my prayers weren’t heard, or they weren’t important enough.  Or maybe I didn’t say the prayer exactly right.  Perhaps someone else needed, deserved, prayed harder and got my blessing.

Another thing about prayer.  I feel like people kind of throw that word around and don’t put much behind it.

Is that because prayer to them is similar to my past experience?  Has everyone just become jaded to the miracles that are possible because nobody is experiencing them anymore?

Are miracles something to read about?  Are people even experiencing miracles anymore?  What the hell is a miracle, really, anyway??

Here is what I have learned about prayer, miracles, and being a magnet for everything that you want.

  1.  God is not “out there”.  God is the energy that is pulsing through your veins.  God is the light that fuels your soul.  God is that whisper in your ear, that comfort you feel when you’re all alone.  God is the air you breathe.  God is in you.  God IS you.  You are God.  The Highest version of you is the you that includes God.
  2. Miracles happen when you are tuned into that Higher version of you.  When you are connected to God, your Source, miracles are just what happens.
  3. A heart-felt prayer never goes unheard or unanswered.  How could it if God is right here?  You might not get the answer you wanted, or maybe the time just hasn’t been right yet.  Or maybe, and here’s the BIG one….Maybe you aren’t letting it in.
  4. Miracles are always flowing to you.  You are either open to receiving or closed off.

You are a miracle worker.  Did you know that?  Just the fact that you are here right now means that you have the ability to perform miracles.



Everyone is given this power.  Yet very, very few actually choose to use it.

A Course In Miracles says that we achieve so little because we have lazy minds.  We don’t claim our power when we allow our thoughts to go down a negative path, collecting momentum as it goes.  And as it gets louder and gains more power, we just go with it, making excuses as to why we should keep going with it.

Imagine each thought you think as a prayer spoken to God.  What does your conversation look like regularly?  Are you asking for more goodness, more kindness, more possibilities?  Are you sending thoughts of thankfulness, expecting those miracles to manifest into full physical form?

I would say that most of your prayers would come in the form of complaining, comparing, feeling unworthy, worrying.

I’m not pointing my finger at you saying you suck and I have it all together.  Not at all!

My thoughts drift often too!  I notice when I’m not feeling good and realize I’ve been focused on a thought that is not attracting what I want.

There are areas of my life where I am very confident I can hand over to God and trust Him fully that He has my back.

And there are those other areas in life that I have a vice grip on and I don’t willingly hand over.

Even though I KNOW that when I give it to God, shit works out.  And when I don’t, shit hits the fan.

I know this.

Yet I still struggle.

I wonder if I will always struggle in some ways to trust that this all-knowing, all-powerful God who sees everything and has more love for me than I will ever know has my best interest in mind.  That He has the ability to give me what I ask for and does so immediately when I ask.

I wonder how many times I need to experience a miracle before I have 100% faith that it is just supposed to be like that.

I wonder how many times I’m going to try and control a situation, thinking that just this once, I should probably take the driver’s seat.

Our fearful minds, our egos, like to make us believe that God is uninterested in our desires; that he’s a God separate from us, looking down on us, judging us.

Our egos try to lead us to believe that a miracle is a coincidence, some fluke thing that won’t happen again.

Our egos want us to believe that we need to control, claw, scream, and grab for what we want.

Doesn’t sound like much fun.

I think I’m going to go with the still small voice inside of me that is waiting patiently for the next moment for me to be quiet enough to listen.

When I listen closely, I hear how much I am loved.

How much potential I have.

How everything that I want wants me too.

Yes, I choose that voice.

How about you?  Do you choose to know how great you are?  How worthy?  How beautiful?  How wonderful?  How capable you are?  Do you choose to know you are a miracle worker?

Comment “yes” below if you choose yes!





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