You’ve been feeling impatient for a while now. Wondering when, When, WHEN will your abundance show up? Where is your miracle?
How long do you have to wait?
How long do you have to worry, stress, TRY to make things happen before they actually DO?
Your mind is pretty tricky. It will tell you that the incessant runaway thoughts of worry, concern, fear, and doubt are actually helping you get what you want.
But really, what those thoughts are doing is creating confusion.
But it can be a conscious choice.
A choice to relax and surrender in any moment.
A choice to observe your thoughts.
A choice to ask yourself, “Am I using my mind to help me or is my mind getting in the way?”
A choice to buy into the conflict, chaos, and drama, or simply observe the craziness that is stopping you from being the powerful manifestor that you were created to be.
You can drop into awareness at any moment and as you just become present and watch,
what is going on in your mind….
Your mind will begin to let go and you will notice that more of what you want to experience becomes easier to access.
There is no effort. There is no trying. There is forcing things to happen.
It is only a shift in consciousness. Awareness.
You get to become a magnet for everything that you need that will support this amazing experience you were born for in this life.
You already are magnetic. You already are creating. You already are a master co-creator.
You don’t have to try.
It IS the larger aspect of YOU.
So let your small self just relax. Remind yourself that everything is working out just fine. Tell yourself that yourSelf is capable of creating the life, luxury, abundance, and joy that you are now seeking.
Except that seeking is exactly what is keeping you from finding.
You aren’t waiting for it! It is HERE! So stop searching! Open your eyes!
Activate the vibration by FEELING into it.
Refocus your attention.
You are powerful, creative, capable.
Know that. Remember that. Remind yourself of that.
Allow yourself to relax today. Allow yourself to trust more today. Make today the day that you become aware of your thoughts and deliberately choose to focus on what you desire.
Desire feels good.
Desire is exciting!
Desire is fun when you believe that it is done!
And it is. So just know.
That’s all you really have to do.
Just by knowing, you get out of the way and allow the blessings that you’ve been asking for (consciously or unconsciously) to become manifest.
Yes, it IS that easy.
Guess what I’m doing? I literally could not be more excited! I’m inviting YOU to join me in NEXT LEVEL MANIFESTING to co-create massive abundance in your life!
It is time for you to finally realize that the whole world is on your side, and actually experience the ease and flow and guidance of the universe!
I want you to understand how supported you are by God/Source.
It is my mission to help YOU wake up to who you are and what you are capable of as a spiritual being.
You intended to find out. It was part of the plan before you were born.
And now is the time.
What is it?

This is Next Level Manifesting baby! Here’s what we will be doing:
❤️ Tap into spiritual resources to manifest your deepest desires on repeat!
❤️ Learn how to trust the universe and allow miracles to unfold without any effort
❤️ Let go of the feelings of fear, doubt, worry, guilt, and lack that prevent you from being a magnet for what you want.
❤️ Rewrite the stories that have mis-created limitation in your life
❤️ Set powerful intentions that the universe will receive and begin working on FOR YOU!
❤️ Create and actually step into a bran-new intentional reality!
❤️ Generate, harness, and reorganize energy to support your desires

When is this all going down?
💥 We begin Tues July 23rd!
💥 5 weeks of ongoing support and training
💥 Weekly LIVE meditations (recorded so you will have forever!)
💥 This training/coaching will be in a group setting with individualized coaching from me
💥 Your own FB group to collaborate and support each other
💥 Weekly training calls with hotseat coaching (I always stay until everyone has the opportunity to receive coaching!)
💥 Daily support from me in the FB group
💥 All training/coaching will be recorded so you can listen over and over! (every time you listen you get something new because you shift into higher and more expansive energy!)

You guys, this is hands down the most cutting edge, next level, paradigm shifting transformation out there!

I’m so over the moon excited to bring this to you!

I want to see you step into this new reality where you realize your power!


—–> ($297 pay in full)

—–>Need smaller payments? (2 monthly payments of $165)

P.S. Manifesting doesn’t have to be hard anymore! You don’t have to wonder if it’s going to work this time! You will be shifting into a new way of BEING, where manifestation happens AS A RESULT!



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