What you want wants you.  I’ve heard this before and thought, “What a cute little way to look at things!”  It made me smile a superficial smile, not fully grasping the depth and meaning.

Too often a really meaningful Truth can be overlooked as a quaint and adorable uplifting thought that quickly gets pushed aside for the serious stuff.  We get fixated on repairing what’s broken and healing our wounds and solving problems and even looking for the problems so we can solve them.  Do you know what I mean?

The ego can and does begin to use personal development as just another way to get stuck in fearful thoughts.  We don’t allow ourselves to see the goodness in everything because we’re so obsessed with changing it.  We use the tools of personal and spiritual development to get more stuff and change our current circumstances but we rarely really allow ourselves to reap the benefits of what this work is supposed to give us.

Life is supposed to be good.  So good!  And it is, right now, whether you decide to see it that way or not.  But you won’t experience it that way unless you see it first.

So back to “what you want wants you!”.  This is more than just a cute idea.  It’s more than just a way of uplifting you when you’re discouraged and unable to manifest the physical version of your desires.

It is a universal truth that, when you feel into it and understand it, will open your eyes and draw your desires even closer to you.

What you want wants you.  The reason why you desire something is because the invisible version of that desire is calling you.  Your desire wanted you even before you wanted it.  It started calling to you and then you realized you wanted it.  Your desire is literally calling out, “Manifest me!  Realize me!  Breathe life into me!”

And you get excited for a moment as it makes contact with your heart. The moment you get excited about that desire, you have made contact with it.  That feeling of excitement IS your alignment with it.  If you could just stay there, it would be in your experience very quickly.

But instead of allowing the universe to work the magic in the infinite ways It knows how, you start to get all heady and try to figure it out.

How the heck will that happen?
I can’t afford that!
I would never be able to do that!
Wouldn’t that be nice?  (With the undertone of, “but it will never happen!”)

And then you lose contact.  The higher version of you is living that dream.  The dream is alive and present but you’re not vibing with it anymore.  And in the moment that you no longer feel good.  Not because it isn’t possible.  It is possible.  It’s actually happening!

The real reason you feel bad is because you’re not vibing with the truth.  Your vibrational energy knows when you’re aligned with truth and when you’re not.  And you know too by the way you feel.

When you feel the excitement of a desire, remember:

  • This desire isn’t new.  It’s been forming and manifesting in vibrational form for a while now.  The fact that you’re now aware of it means that it’s so close!  It’s knocking at your door and asking for you to see it through with the power of your focus.
  • Say “Yes!”  Let go of doubt.  Release your need to figure out how.  It’s already done!
  • The universe has the ability to manifest your desires, and all you have to do is take inspired action when you get the nudge.

Isn’t this exciting to know?  Doesn’t it make you feel way lighter about your desires?  Doesn’t it make co-creating with the universe a lot easier?

Just say yes and know that what you want wants you!

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