Manifesting has felt like a struggle for me in the past.  If I’m being honest, getting what I want doesn’t always come to me easily still.

Sometimes I get hung up on needing something to come on my timeline, or in my way, or in order to feel better about my life.

When I get into that chaotic energy, I begin to repel my desires which is exactly the opposite of what I want.  It always feels bad to be in resistance, so returning back to a state of allowing is always my priority.

Money is a topic I talk about A LOT, and there’s a good reason for it.  Money is a huge trigger for most people, something that has a lot of emotional drama tied to it, and is also a subject that tons of people talk about when learning about manifesting a life that blows their mind.

And money is the exact topic that was and is still my trigger many days of the week.

Manifesting money isn’t any easier or more difficult than manifesting a parking spot, but because there is so much emotion tied to the topic, many people struggle to actually achieve financial freedom.

But you can manifest money (or anything else you want) much faster than you might think!

Here’s the truth that many people don’t talk about:

You have to feel good, and then feel good about what you want, and continue to feel good even before it shows up.

Let’s break that down.

You have to feel good.  Period.  Not just while you’re thinking about what you want.  Not just while you’re practicing gratitude before you get out of bed.  Not just when it’s easy.  Feeling good must be your first priority all day long.

This feeling good doesn’t mean forcing happy thoughts when you feel like shit.  Feeling good means accepting those shitty moments and being okay even when you’re in a bad mood.

When you’re out of resistance, you feel good.  No matter what emotion you’re experiencing.  You can be feeling sad, angry, or even depressed, but when you just notice and allow/accept how you’re feeling, you always feel good.

Do you really get that?  This is THE missing secret that most people overlook.  They just want to jump to the good feeling vibrations like happy, abundance, and bliss, so they fake the feelings hoping that they will eventually “take”.

But they rarely do, and they never do for long.

Emotions in and of themselves are not bad or wrong.  They are just a message from your higher self notifying you when you’re off course.  So next time you feel bad, just recognize that you are, accept it (which will immediately make you feel better), and then begin finding thoughts and feelings that are more in alignment with the truth of who you are.

Got it?  Ok, next, you have to feel good about what you want!

If you are waiting to feel good until you get what you want, you won’t get it.  And even if you do, you won’t be happy for long.  Because nothing outside of you is the source of your joy.  YOU are the source of your joy, abundance, love, and peace.

As you give and receive more of the essence of what you want, you are generating the energy and aligning yourself to receive.

So if you want more money, what is the essence of that money?  How do you think you will feel when you have more money?

Safe?  Secure?  Happy?  Peaceful?

You have to generate those feelings now, Now, NOW.

And it’s really easy to do once you’ve done the first step….which is to just simply feel good.

And lastly, feel good in the meantime, while you wait for what you want to manifest.

Are you checking on your order to the universe and choosing to hold yourself away from your joy if you notice it hasn’t come yet?

I’ve done that more times than I’d like to admit, and yes, I still do.  Especially when something is really important to me.  Especially when my small self tells me that I’m not capable of being happy without it.

But it’s all practice.  And any time your small self tells you that your joy hitches on the manifestation that you want, just remind it that you can choose the feeling now, and you’ll see that manifestation a lot faster.

You can deliberately choose the feeling by focusing on what you DO have, what is currently activating your joyful/happy vibration, what is working in your life.

Everything that you have right now is because you manifested it.  You are the manifestor of everything you can see, touch, smell, taste, and hear.  Everything that is in your current reality is there because you focused on the essence of it.

Now you can do it with deliberate intent by simply jumping to the feeling now, even before you get what you want.

And the bonus to that?  You get to feel good now.

And that’s what you really wanted anyway, right?


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