Does it seem like you’ve been trying to make LOA work for you, but the harder you try, the less it seems to be on your side?

Do you wish that it would just be as easy as everyone is making it look to manifest the “more” that you deeply want to experience in this lifetime?

It’s frustrating as hell to watch people who have been at this whole “manifesting” thing for way less time manifest on demand as if they have a magic wand while you still struggle to see any type of result in your life.

But you know you’re never going to give up until one day it takes, because you KNOW like you know like you know it will be worth it once it finally clicks into place!

So let me help you along in your journey, as a recovering LOA junkie trying desperately to make life look and feel the way I wanted to, but struggling for years to see much in my world change for the good.

The biggest realizations that I had that changed everything immediately for me was that:

I was waiting for something to happen; a result in my world to change as evidence that what I wanted was available. And I would only have permission to feel wealthy, abundant, and even happy if I received that thing.

My mission in using LOA, if I was being honest, was to “get” stuff. It was an outside-in approach.

I was living from eyesight (what my eyes could see) and what my 5 senses told me was real instead of living from insight (what my Soul knew to be true) and took action from my limitations.

I was trying to make something happen, instead of cultivating the energy to welcome what was already here in the invisible to make it visible.

The truth is, if you’re waiting for something to happen, or trying to make it happen, you’re going to be waiting a veeeerrrryyy long time. It’s like staring at yourself in the mirror and waiting to see your reflection smile. It’s not going to happen until you do it first. YOU have to be the cause of your desires manifesting.

If you are trying to “get” anything, the message you’re sending out to the universe is “I don’t have it yet!” And as much as it might appear to be the case, you actually possess everything you desire within your consciousness. It’s waiting to be let out! So next time you’re thinking about what you want to get, shift your thinking to how can I let those qualities out of me into the world.

And if you’re living from what your senses tell you are true, you’re always going to be a step behind and it will feel like you’re living every day on repeat.


What you’re living in the physical is just a representation of your past beliefs and thoughts. So if you only believe in what you can see, you’ll never be able to live from the vision that is in your heart and Soul.

My whole life is mostly spent in a fantasy land where very little of what’s in front of me is even acknowledged. I love my life and I have so much fun watching everything unfold, but I return back to my inner state quickly so that I can expand and open up to even more.

This is what it looks like to live as a visionary! And this is where all the magic happens!

Share with me in the comments! Which habit would be the most powerful shift for you? And what can you do today to implement these new practices into your life? What do you think will happen when you do?

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