Just when you think you’ve got this, everything is ok now, it’s all working out….
Something crazy happens.

Our minds want to convince us that we’re totally good now, we don’t need to stay rooted and grounded in Truth.  There’s no need now that everything is working out to meditate, pray, ask for God’s help.  Once things are working out, our prayers have been answered.  Now we can take over from here.

It makes me laugh.  At myself.  And shake my head.  Why do I forget?  When God’s in control of my life, and when I’m aware that He’s calling the shots, working miracles through me and for me, paving my path before I step, everything works out.  Everything flows.  The battle is won even before I knew there was a fight.  The struggle ends.

I sometimes forget that prayer, meditation, conversations with God, staying plugged in, is a daily thing.  Hourly thing.  Minutely thing.  It’s something that I need to do constantly.  Surrender.  Even the good.  Even when I’m successful.  Even after my prayers are answered.

And I know I’m not the only one.  The people that I work with too.  When they have a breakthrough, or a small success, they celebrate, get all excited, and then think that they have arrived.  They can take it from here.

And in my experience, it just doesn’t work that way.  We return back to our old way of thinking and doing things and then all the spiritual progress that we had made is forgotten.  And even worse, sometimes, it gets more painful than before because we think we had it!  We thought things were working out!!!  What the eff happened??

And when your ego gets a glimpse of control again, it will say all the right things to convince you that you’re a loser, you never really got it, God didn’t intervene on your behalf, it was just your imagination.

And you believe it.

You would never think this could happen.  Not when you’re high and happy and life is flowing.  When the money shows up and the clients come out of the blue and you really start rocking it in your business….how could you forget?

But you do.

If you’re not careful.

If you don’t stay plugged in.  If you don’t continue to push yourself to even higher levels of connection,





Your spiritual walk is a lifetime journey.  Prayer isn’t something you do when you need something.  Connection isn’t something you require only when you’re a hot mess.

It’s constant.  Always.

Write it on your calendar.  Make time.  First thing.  Don’t let distractions pull your attention away.  When life starts to get better and better, make that a reason to stay plugged in more.

You think that this is obvious.  You think you’ll stay rooted.  You love this blissed out feeling and the results that life presents to you.

But you will get distracted.  Time will slip away one day when you’re busy and you’ll think that you can just skip this one day.  And in that moment you give a little less energy to the flow of abundance that has been powering your life.  And all of a sudden, a little while later….maybe a day, maybe a week, business isn’t flowing like it was, work feels like work instead of play, stress rises.  And you wonder whatever went wrong.

Why not just stay open and available to God and His plan for your life.  I think we can both agree that God’s plan for your life is a damn good one.  Better than you could even ask for yourself.  Better than you could imagine.

I’m here to remind you in case you’re at a low point where money is tight, business is slow, stress is high, hand it to God.  It is already taken care of, it is done.

I’m here to remind you in case you’re at a high point where money is flowing and business is abundant and love is your vibe.  It is because of the Source within you.  That Source is expressing It’s infinite wealth and abundance through you.  Be forever grateful and recognize that it is God at work in your life.

I’m here to remind you in case you had a glimpse but now it’s slipping away.  Plug back in.  Return to Love.  Remember the Truth.  God/Love/Life is all there is.  All that you need is within you.  Go to that place and stay there for a while.

And come back often.

Because this is the space of allowing.  Alignment.



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