Some people say that there really is no such thing as a new year.  That each moment is new.  I do agree that we shouldn’t wait until some other time to start playing huge in life.  I also believe that there are times in life that allow us to really step up if we feel like we’ve lost our way.

It doesn’t matter to me how you choose to look at it.  But for me, the beginning of this year activated something inside of me that feels different.  It feels powerful, possible, amazing.  I’m tapping into a bigger piece of myself that has been dying to wake up but waiting patiently for me to acknowledge it first.  It’s been whispering and sometimes shouting, “Listen up!  This life is real!  What you want is not only possible but guaranteed!  It’s already yours.  Just take it!”

Life is supposed to feel like a “hell fucking yes omg this couldn’t get any better but it gets better everyday I’m on fire how and when did this happen I don’t ever want to step off of this ride!”

I have found this feeling.  I’m often living in this vibration.  Sometimes I don’t.  But once you experience the power and joy of living there, it fucking hurts like hell when you aren’t there.  You’ll do anything to get back.  The world around you and the stuff in it doesn’t matter any more.  The feeling is all that matters.

Crazily enough, the world around you reflects that feeling, so you end up getting all the stuff you wanted anyway.  And it rocks!  Life rocks when you get to experience the physical world in a rich and unlimited way.  But it’s not what really matters.  You could have all that stuff but if you’re not satisfied internally, it won’t have the power to really light you up.  Life will still feel like you’re missing the color.  You’ll be living in black and white.

So what are the criteria to feel like “that”?  To feel unlimited?  To feel on fire?  To feel like you’re so happy you seriously can’t contain it?

There are 3 things that, if you possess them, you will have that life.  And here’s the most exciting part:


Here they are:




You are holy.  Not because you pray.  Not because you go to church.  Not because you volunteer at the animal shelter every Sunday.  Not because you pay it forward.  Not because you know how to downward dog like a motherfucker.

You are holy even if you don’t pray, go to church, or volunteer.  You don’t have to practice yoga, meditate, elevate, or walk on water.

You were born holy.  You are created by God from God.  The substance and life that makes you you is God.  You are God.  Therefore you are fucking holy.  Period.

You can also make the decision right now to be happy and experience joy.  No. Matter. What.  Your current conditions don’t dictate your state of mind.  Do all things in joy.  The shortcut to this is to accept everything that happens.  Choose what you want and live in joy now.  That’s it.

Hella Rich:
Although money doesn’t lead to happiness, it sure as hell makes life adventurous, fun, and exciting!  Experiencing what you want is significantly easier when you have a fuck load of money.  God designed you to be able to cash in to the unlimited flow of abundance that is available to you and to everyone.  Make the decision that you are rich now.  Feel it deep in your soul.  Tune out any physical manifestation that might convince you otherwise and realize that your vibration is what creates the money.  Vibe rich and you will be.  Stay the course.  It is so worth it.

Are you ready to believe that you can have it all?  Are you ready to experience life in the fullest way possible?  Can you handle feeling excited when you wake up and too energized to sleep at night?  Do you want to let go of all the shit that bogs you down and holds you back from what you want?

Life is waiting for you to say, “YES!”


Who’s with me??


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