Much of the inner work that we do to experience more wealth, joy, health, and success has to do with realigning our thoughts about ourselves, our worthiness, our ability to create with the Truth of unlimited possibility.  Super exciting, right?  We get to empower ourselves with owning our thoughts, and choosing again when we detour into fear.

But one of the less appealing yet ever healing methods for transforming your life and living in grace and goodness is forgiving.

Ahhhh!!  I can already feel the resistance.  That word is such a trigger when you’re holding onto resentment towards someone who has most definitely done you wrong.  You could tell your story to 100 people and 100 out of 100 would tell you your feelings are justified.

And still, practicing forgiveness, no matter how much of an asshole they were, is always, Always, ALWAYS necessary in order to live in peace.

Forgiveness isn’t intended to let the other person off the hook.  It’s not supposed to profess the action as acceptable.  Forgiveness is simply releasing the energy that you’re giving by hanging onto and revisiting the story.

Forgiving someone is saying, “I release you.  I no longer allow my peace to be determined by your actions.”

(Forgiving doesn’t necessarily mean accepting that person back into your life either.  Creating boundaries is one of the most loving things you can do for yourself and the other person.)

So how the hell do you actually practice the art of forgiveness?

I do believe it is an art.  A beautiful practice that doesn’t happen one time and then you’re forever free.  Forgiveness is a practice that happens daily, over and over again.

That doesn’t mean it has to be difficult or take a ton of time.  Handing your thoughts over to God is a very simple and peaceful practice.  But it takes the releasing of your ego and choosing higher thoughts.

Next time you have a thought towards someone that is anything less than love, try taking these steps to return from your thoughts of judgement back to thoughts of love.

  1.  WAIT!  What Am I Thinking?  You are the thinker of your thoughts.  In the present moment, the person who hurt you is only in your mind.  Stop the thoughts and you stop the pain.
  2. Be willing to forgive.  Maybe you don’t think you could possibly let go of the anger, resentment, or hurt but you’re willing to see things differently.  This willingness is everything.  As you hand over your attachment to these feelings, you allow God to work miracles on your behalf.
  3. Look for the blessing or lesson in everything.  This step can take some work.  And if you’re not ready yet, just give it over to the loving Universe who can help show you when the time is right.  As soon as you can see that there is a spiritual lesson in every situation, you will free yourself from the bondage of the pain.

Remember that forgiveness is not for the other person.  It is for you.  Unforgiveness is like drinking poison expecting it to kill the other person.  It is only killing you.  Let go my love!  Let go and let love.

Have you found liberation in forgiveness? Share your experience!



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