I don’t care what it is.
Money. Status. Love. Recognition. A better body. Success.
You swear that one day, when you have it, you will finally feel…
happy. relaxed. fulfilled. safe. loved.
But you’re chasing something that will never make you happy.
There is nothing you can “get” that will “give” you what you really want.
There is no lasting satisfaction in things.
Manifesting the things will only amplify how you presently feel.
If you feel broke, manifesting more money will not make you feel rich. It will give you a million more reasons to fear losing money.
If you feel unloved, manifesting a relationship will not make you feel adored. It will just shine light on how insecure you really feel.
If you feel like a failure, manifesting temporary success will fall through your fingers so fast you’ll be sure it was only an accident.
The struggle to get/attain/achieve is so unnecessary and completely pointless.
There is nothing outside of you to get.
Everything you are now chasing will become the effect of who you are BEING.
Want more money? BE abundant in all that you do. BRING abundance into your life, your actions, your choices, your decisions.
Want love? BE loving to all that you see. SHARE the unlimited love that flows through you unconditionally, knowing that you are the generator and nobody can take love away from you.
Want success? BE successful in every step you take. SHOW UP now as the success you desire.
𝔹𝔼. ℍ𝔸ℙℙ𝕐. ℕ𝕆𝕎. Not when…if only…
It is a FEELING.
It is a decision.
It is a choice you make in every minute, every interaction, every perception.
95% of your problems would be gone if you flipped your priorities 180 degrees.
If you made the decision to BE who you want to BE, FEEL how you want to FEEL, and stopped waiting for things to show up to give you permission to do what you want,
every excuse that presently “paralyzes” you would be released and void.
Life is spiritual. Life is energy. Life is vibration.
𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮 𝓮𝔁𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾!
So if you want more from life, you must allow it to flow from your consciousness.
Reality check: What is flowing from your consciousness?
What are you thinking about more than anything else all day long?
How are you feeling for the majority of your day?
What is the perception you have of yourself?
What are you waiting to happen before you give yourself permission to feel good?
Whatever you’re waiting for is most often what you aren’t willing to give.
When you open up to give more of yourself even before you get what you want, you become an open channel to generate more of what you give.
You don’t have to wait for the world to give you what you want. You give what is missing and then allow the Universe to reflect it back to you in form.
The Universe is a mirror. What you give is what you receive.
What you wait for gives you more time to wait.
What you withhold is withheld.
What you see as absent remains invisible.
What you give is amplified and returned to you 1,000 fold.
What you claim as already done shows up effortlessly.
If you look for the miracles that are already here, you’ll continue to witness miracle after miracle in increasing proportions.
I’ve learned that the world of form is only useful as a tool to show me what my current thoughts and beliefs are.
It is not my reality.
It does not dictate what’s possible.
It does not determine my next minute.
If you really knew this, what would change for you? What could you let go of that has you living in a state of fear?
What would be possible for you if you let go of waiting and embraced BECOMING?

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