What do you do when fear takes over?

Are you allowing it to guide your decisions, your choices, and therefore shape your future reality?

What reality are you creating for yourself by submitting to fear and allowing it to win at it’s game?  Fear’s goal is to keep you from discovering the Truth about yourself.  The Truth that you are an infinite being with infinite talent and infinite ability to create anything from nothing at all.  So what will it be?

I get it.  Fear feels real!  It creates a story that is damn believable and has all the evidence it needs to prove it’s right.

Just like any egoic, constricted way of thinking, fear has a very convincing way of making you believe that constriction, pulling back, holding off, shrinking down, playing small is the “safe” way to go.

And yes, it feels good in the moment when you back off because it creates relief from the fear of what might happen.  But the next day (or the next hour) you’re going to feel the fear hangover, because your Soul is yearning for more.

Your Soul is saying “Yes!” to your desires, regardless of how massive they may seem to you.  Because She knows that all things are possible.

Your Soul is saying “Yes!” to abundance, because She knows that it’s already within you, ready to be expressed to the world.

Your Soul is saying “Yes!” to you expressing yourself in your own unique way, because She knows that THIS IS WHY YOU WERE BORN!

Your Soul is saying “Yes!” to you discovering your gifts, and talents.  Because She knows that you are infinitely talented and gifted.

Your Soul is saying “Yes!” to you stepping into….expanding into….your Higher Self, because She knows this is who you really are!

And oh, when you realize it for yourself!….When you realize the power, the beauty that you hold. When you wake up to the magnitude of possibility that you have within you, and begin to even get a small, teeny, tiny taste of it, you’ll keep coming back for more.

You’ll welcome the fear, because you know what’s on the other side.  You’ll easily reclaim that energy and use it for your desired creation.  You’ll begin breaking through barriers, dominating the obstacles, rocking reality like you know (even now deep down) you can.

Fear is normal.  It’s ok.  It’s alright when it shows up.  It actually contains a TON of energy that can be transmuted into creative energy, so don’t resist it!  Embrace it.  Welcome it.  Love it.  Yes, love it.

It is showing you were you’re holding yourself back, where you’re limiting yourself.  So, “thank you fear!”

“Thank you for showing me where I’m holding myself back.  Thank you for showing me the stories that I’ve created that cut me off from my unlimited Source power!  Thank you for presenting me with an option to stay small, but I’m going to choose to expand….thank you very much!”

Now choose a thought that is centered in your heart.  Choose to allow your heart to do the talking.  Ask your Soul what is true right now.  You WILL get an answer.  She is always speaking to you.  And the answer always feels good.

The answer is love, expansiveness, solutions, possibility, creation, love, LOVE, LOVE.  THAT is the answer.

Dismantling the fear wall is simpler, easier than it seems.  Because you are a master.  You are a master creator and NOW is the time that you wake up to remember this Truth.  Masters like you dissolve that layer of fear simply by looking at it and calling it out.  Recognizing that all the things that you fear are illusions.  There is nothing outside of you that can harm you, limit you, cut you off, or make you lose.  All that you’ll ever need is within you.

Abundance.  Wisdom.  Brilliance.  Safety.  Ease.  Love.  Flow.  Prosperity.  Joy.  Luxury.

It is all a state of consciousness….

It is ALL spiritual.  Invisible.

As soon as you acknowledge the fear, and then step into the Reality that you already have all you need, you already ARE the complete package,

that fear dissolves.

Will it come back.  Probably.  Most likely, yes.  But you now know what to do with it.  You just love it…..accept it…..feel it…..and then bring it back to love.

Where there is love, fear cannot exist.

Love is not the opposite of fear.  Fear is the absence of love.  Return to love and you will be free.

What could you create from this heart space as a limitless being?

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