When you really, Really, REALLY want something, one of the most difficult things you have to do is to surrender.

Surrender is one of those very misunderstood words.  It draws an image of letting a dream go and trying not to care about it anymore.

But when you surrender to God, you’re letting go BECAUSE you care so much you know that you couldn’t possibly take care of it as perfectly as God can.  You are detaching from how and when it will come about.  And being faithful in the present moment that it is already taken care of.

I think that the faith aspect is so necessary when it comes to surrender.  There’s no way in hell God would ask you to give Him your deepest desires without promising that He will present them to you.  The love of the Universe is always pouring out blessings and giving to you exactly what you desire.  It’s timing is always perfect.  And It’s timing is always forgiving.  If you had a shit day and you missed your opportunity, another one is right around the corner.

If you grab a handful of water, it will all slip through your fingers and you’ll have nothing left.  If you hold your hands open in a gentle and still cup, you’ll never go thirsty.

Grabbing and pushing and efforting to make something happen just doesn’t work.  Even if you ultimately get what you thought you wanted, it will never make you happy.  You must enjoy the process.  How do you do that?  Turn it over.  Hand it over to the power of the Universe.

Imagine how crazy we are to believe that with our limited view of what’s going on, we really have any control over anything anyway.  We tend to fuck things up more than help out, really, when we try to get involved.  Figuring out how something is going to happen isn’t our job.  Why would we even try?  It sounds insane if you really think about it.  Here God is, the creator of all things.  Everything you need for survival is freely given to you.  This world spins, the sun rises and sets, the seasons all come and go in perfect harmony.  All without your help thank you very much.

So there’s this perfect order in all things, and here you come and say, thank you Universe for giving me oxygen, beating my heart, digesting my food, providing sunlight on my face, but in the area of my finances, I think I need to take care of that.

As if, God stopped caring about you after the essentials.  As if His intention was for you to come here and struggle and want without ever receiving.  As if you were sent here for an earthly trial to see how good you are before dying and going to some far away heaven where you finally are rewarded for all your turmoil and suffering!  Could you imaging a loving, all knowing, all abundant father who has the ability to give unlimitedly actually putting their child through something like that?  What the fuck for?  OMG, no!  That’s not how it works!

You were born to co-create with God a life that is filled with miracles.  You were born with everything you ever needed to manifest every desire, big or small.

So don’t hold onto your dreams and desires with a vice grip determined that you can take care of it.  Hand it over to God, to the Universe, to your all knowing Highest Self.  Fully trusting that miracles will unfold.  They will.  It is His promise.  He will never fail you.  Stay open and allow the miracles in.

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