Manifesting as you know it is about to end.

You are about to be taken down the rabbit hole of Reality to a place your ego has never been and will never go to.

You are about to see life from a completely elevated space, where things just work….Not because of anything that you do or say, not because of anything you make happen or attract.

Not because you have finally found the answers that help you get what you want.

But because you have finally realized that life happens much better when you simply get out of the way.

Are you exhausted at trying to make manifesting work for you over and over again?

Like manifesting has become a full-time job, imagining what life would be like when you have all the things, and then living “as if”?

And despite the fear that arises when you act “as if”, and despite the mixed results, and despite the emptiness that you still feel even when you do get your way,

You keep trying because at least you feel empowered to maybe someday get the hang of it and make it work for you?

Doesn’t it seem foolish, if you really just stop and think about it, that we put so much meaning in the lack of outcome when things don’t work out?

“What did I do wrong?”  “Why did I manifest this?”  “Why didn’t I manifest that?”

This kind of thinking is self-abuse, imho, and while that might seem a bit dramatic, is it really?

Is it dramatic to think that our incessant and obsessive over-thinking and constant attention to managing our vibration because we feel like if we have a bad day, the Universe is going to punish us with more bad days is self-abuse?

We have evolved from human beings with massive egos that we have been completely blind to….

into human being with massive spiritual egos that want to still control every single detail of our human lives.

It’s time that we shift into being the spiritual beings that we are, having a human experience, and integrating the ego as a witness to life instead of a controller of circumstances.

As you transcend the world of form, surrendering your need to make anything happen your way before you decide to bring your A game to life,

life begins to open up in ways your ego mind could never even design for you.

The vision boards and ideas that your mind has created are extremely limited to only what it has seen before.

It only knows the pictures it has seen, the experiences it has witnessed (either in your life or the life of others), and creates wants and needs based on fear of loss/missing out, limitation, and separation.

So when you manifest a life you think you want from that standpoint, you are manifesting from a place of fear of loss/missing out, limitation, and separation.

The result?  Well…you tell me!  How is that working out for you?

If it was working out so wonderfully, you wouldn’t be reading this right now.  You would be busy pasting magazine pictures to a poster board and visualizing the perfect vacation you really want to go on!

Manifesting a car or a rug or a big screen TV can be manifested by a vision board, but what about your life?

Is that how you want to live?  In constant struggle on what to get so that you can feel good?

And then constant self-criticism on how well you’re doing as a manifestor?

Your job was never to create reality.  It was to partner with the power of the Universe and harness the power of All That Is by allowing It to direct your play.

There are just things you can’t know from where you stand.

There are just experiences you have no idea exists that God knows is going to blow your mind….and you’re so obsessed with having things YOUR way that you miss the opportunity for something way better.

You try and force timing because you want it NOW, but God knows that waiting just a little bit is what you really want.  He is preparing you, paving your path, and molding and shaping your character as you go.

And when you arrive to the destination of your desire, you arrive as a deeper person with stronger spiritual muscles and authentic happiness in your heart.

And you will only realize then, and no sooner, that if things had worked out your way, you would not be the person who could hold the space to keep what you received.  And your manifestation will be fleeting, leaving you with a feeling of emptiness and increased levels of fear.

You would’ve missed the opportunity for growth, expansion, and awakening.

You would’ve missed the opportunity to BECOME the person who can hold that space for the abundance that you wanted without any fear of losing it.

You would’ve missed the opportunity to BECOME the person who can wake up in the morning and no matter what events are unfolding, she is capable of saying (and actually feeling it) “Thank you”.

You would’ve missed the opportunity to BECOME the person who radiates joy, inner peace, contentment, and bliss.

Your ego tries to convince you that you can either have it your way, or God’s way.  But not both.  Your ego tries to convince you that the spiritual path is the path of sacrifice and settling.  Your ego tries to convince you that if you surrender your life to God that He might have a different plan and it requires you living less than what you want.

But there will come a day when your heart breaks open and you realize that the only way to get your way is to let God run the show.

God is like the most caring parent there is, who wants nothing but joyful expansion for His child.  He knows what your capable of more than you will ever know, he knows what is available to you when you surrender more than you will ever experience, OH!  and He is the Source of all your infinite goodness.  Infinite.  Goodness.

He gets the whole picture….He sees things beyond your vision.  He knows what will make you the happiest, and is giving it to you now.

There is no sacrifice in walking the spiritual path.

The spiritual path is the path of liberation.

The spiritual path is the path of freedom.

There is nothing being withheld from you.  It is only your obsession and neediness that prevents you from seeing it.

God is standing with His hands open wide, asking you to Trust Him, walk with Him, allow His Spirit to work through you, and promising that you will have a life that is beyond your wildest imagining.

Will you take His hand?

P.S.  You are the physical extension of God.  So taking His hand is pretty easy.  It’s just your ego that thinks it’s hard.



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