Here’s the Real Reason Why You’re Still Stuck In Manifesting Hell

Seriously if I say, see, or hear the word MANIFEST one more time I might just go batshit crazy. It’s everywhere….everyone is talking about it, teaching how to do it, getting excited AF about the potential of it.

I even call myself a manifestation coach, so clearly I can’t avoid it.

But it’s like the words LOVE and APPRECIATION. The actual energy of love and appreciation is the substance of creation and all miracles! It is Life itself! Infinite power and limitless potential! Not just a cute thought that makes people feel fluffy when they think about it…

but when everyone is tossing around the words but not actually using them in their lives, they become empty shells and meaningless syllables. They lose their impact because what you’re actually feeling as you focus on the words is LACK.

The same goes with manifesting. When most people “try” to manifest, what they’re really doing is wishing they had something they don’t.

Are you?

Do you see pure potential and limitless opportunities? Do you easily ask and stay open to receive? Do you let go of your attachment and live happily ever after right now?

Nope. Not mostly.

And then you say manifesting doesn’t work. And you get irritated by people like me who teach you how to get your head on straight so that you can use the power of the universe to actually experience more out of life. And you feel even worse because you know it’s supposed to be easy but PLEASE dear baby Jesus tell me HOW!!!

HOW do you let go when what you want is so important?

HOW do you feel good despite everything that feels so bad going on around you?

HOW do you visualize and actually FEEL the reality of something you’ve never experienced in your life?

HOW do you control all the random monkey chatter that goes on upstairs and monitor the 60 effing thousand thoughts a day??

AND HOW do you turn those thoughts around when they just. feel. so. real.


Get out of your head you say?

I know. I know how you feel. I know so well because I was there. I kept counting the years that passed without any evidence that I could actually nail this manifestation bitch. I got some stuff. Other stuff not so much. The harder I tried to manifest, the worse I got at it. When my house went into foreclosure and I was parking my car in the neighborhood next to mine so that the repo guy couldn’t find it, I decided there has to be better way.

Now, if your manifestor isn’t broken, no need to continue. But I’m guessing that either my post is just entertaining as hell or your at least remotely curious about how you can get more of what you want and less of what you don’t.

So if you’re still with me, let me tell you something most coaches don’t.

1. Manifesting is easy, but changing your mindset not so much. And without the mindset piece of it, you won’t be calling in your desires.

2. Beliefs are just a thought you keep thinking….oh! with feeling, emotion, and proof. You can’t just think an affirmation often enough and expect to shift into a millionaire mind. Sorry sister. Ain’t hap’nin. You have to feel it and create proof around you until it sticks.

3. Shit doesn’t normally show up overnight, on your doorstep, because you pictured it that way and you didn’t want to do any work to get it so since you set that intention, boom! lottery winner! Hell to the no. You’ve gotta step into your power and claim that shit and do whatever it takes to get it! ACTION baby. That’s a missing peice to the manifesting puzzle.

4. AND (follow me here…this seems contradictory to #3 but it’s not) you have an ARMY of spiritual forces ready and able and willing to help you but you have to ask first. It’s not up to you to do anything. If you push, shove, effort things into existence, then even if you did end up with what you wanted in the end, it wouldn’t be worth it. Ain’t nuthin worth stressing out and losing sleep over. So you take inspired action to put yourself into alignment with the universal power of creation but not to make it happen. It’s already done. You’re just stepping into the experience.

So what’s the real reason you’re stuck in manifesting hell? Because you’re TRYING to manifest.

Be easy about it.


Laugh more.

Don’t believe your thoughts.

Know the truth. And then remind yourself of what you really know.


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