How long are you going to wait before you just begin with where you are, jump, and do the thing?

You still waiting to feel more confident?  More capable?  More talented like the others that are already doing it?

When will the self-judgement be too much, too heavy, too “enough already!” for you?

Confidence isn’t one of those things that come while you sit and wait for it.  It is developed on your way to success, not before your journey begins.  If you can just understand this, then you can begin now, legs shaking, nervous energy pumping, uncertainty in place, and know that all of that is part of the process.  It’s called growth.

I waited to feel ready for years.  It never happened.  I learned, studied, attended seminars and training, and then I would look at what others were doing and always felt like I wasn’t quite ready because “they were better than me!”

Comparison is always a big no no.  I know this, and so do you.  But we still do it.  And it will kill your ability to move forward with confidence and allow yourself to get better as you grow.

When I finally made the decision to do what I could, imperfect as it might be, I realized that nothing was really as difficult as I was making it out to be.

Yes, I had challenges.  Failures?  Yep.  Many.  Mess ups?  Uh huh.  Still do.  And I don’t always feel very confident when I begin either.  But when I take the attention off of my own motives and I focus on how many people I can help if I get out of my own way, I always find the courage to do what I’m guided to do.

You have a world to wake up.  An impact to make.  Women’s lives to inspire and influence and help to change.  Doesn’t that mean more to you than your small fear and ridiculous doubt that you can’t do it?

God would never call you to serve your purpose and not fully gift you with all that you need.  You are IT, God’s gift to the world.  The only thing that blocks you from realizing this, is the way you perceive yourself.

As you look through the lens of self-judgement, criticism and not-enoughness, you’re guaranteed to see limitations that feel impossible to overcome.  But that’s not a picture I recommend believing in.  Because just as easily as you’ve believed in that scenario for so long, you can choose to empower yourself with a vastly different picture which can become your new reality.

You can choose to create an image of the brilliance that is already within you.  You can choose to paint the picture of the abundance that is your birthright.  You can choose to envision the success that is already here waiting for you to see it.  You can choose to write the script of unlimited power, freedom, talent, and wishes fulfilled and that will become the movie you get to star in.

And as you do change that picture in your mind, you can’t help but step up into that version of you who is taking action inspired by the guidance of your soul!  You are so inspired, turned on, amped up by what you know is possible for your life that sitting and waiting just no longer feels like something you are capable of doing.

No matter how quickly you decide to do the thing, or how long you wait, there’s one thing for sure that I know.  It will feel a bit unfamiliar and sort of scary when you step off the edge of the cliff.  But after you confront the fear and just dive in, you’ll want to come back over and over again for more.

The fear turns into exhilaration.  You fully know what to expect when that fear creeps in.  You realize that you can overcome. a And you feel powerful beyond belief.

So just do it already!  What is that one thing that you’ve been wanting to do, but for some reason waiting to do it?  Let me know in the comments!



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