How often do you look at what you have (or don’t have) and wish you had something different?  Something more?  Something better?  Something different?  You should be grateful, and you are to a degree, but there’s so much more that you want and there’s really no sign of it happening.  It will be so much easier to be grateful once you have what you want.

I’m all about being honest with myself, so let’s both be honest and stop pouring a sweet, sugary syrup over our true feelings.  Being positive on the outside while quietly feeling stuck will just keep you stuck.  That fake smile isn’t fooling your spirit.

When nothing seems to be happening in your outside world, our tendency is to focus on what’s wrong because it feels like if we don’t focus on it, we can’t change it.  But actually the opposite is true.  If you continue to focus on what’s not working, what you don’t like, what you wish you could change, you’re only going to experience more of that.

And of course our material world feels so real and so “in your face” that taking our eyes off of what we are immersed in can feel like an impossible task.  How the hell am I supposed to feel rich and abundant when I have this bill I can’t pay, or when I have this thing I want that I literally don’t have the money for in the bank?  How the hell do you convince yourself that God is flowing His unlimited abundance to you when shit isn’t looking that way…….at all?

When you’re out of alignment (feeling poor, or like you can’t afford what you want, really just feeling bad in any way) you are literally blocking yourself from your abundance.  But when you believe the thoughts that aren’t feeling good, changing your thoughts and actually believing them can also feel impossible.  So what do you do?

This was my primary, tug of war thought process for such a long time.  And I still go down that road at times.  But now, instead of staying in that funky negative space, I have learned that by disciplining my mind, I can bring myself back to alignment fairly quickly and be in the flow with Universal powers.

The first thing I realized, and remind myself of often, is that you can’t turn around a negative thought into one that feels super powerful on a dime.  You have to kind of work on it by taking baby steps.  So if I’m feeling like I can’t afford something, instead of telling myself that I’m a multi-millionaire, which my mind just kicks back as “yea fucking right sister.  Try again!”  I just soften the thought to something that doesn’t necessarily make me want to jump up and down with excitement, but definitely feels better than before.  Something like, “I’m going to figure this out.  And I don’t have to  figure it out right now.   I can just relax in this moment and understand that God is working behind the scenes on my behalf.  I can just relax.  It’s ok.”

And then I use statements that involve choices.  So if I really do want to tune in to my multi-millionaire self, which I know does exists in the infinite field, I tell myself, “I choose to understand that I am abundant.  I may not be experiencing it now, but eventually I will tune in to it.  And when I do, I will see things around me start to change.  Even if I don’t feel it right now, I choose to believe it.”

Do you see how these thoughts feel better, although they aren’t exactly where I want to end up, they are taking me out of my funk?

And then I can continue feeling better by thinking thoughts like, “there have been other people who have struck it rich overnight!  Wouldn’t it be nice if I got a million-dollar idea?  It would feel so amazing to connect to the infinite stream of wisdom and inspiration!  I don’t even need a million dollars right now!  This process is so much fun!  Imagine if….”

So you get the point, right?  The process really is just about shifting your thinking.  And when you do that enough, you’ll start to witness the world around you change.  First in small ways, and then as you witness those changes and continue to feel better and better, the changes will be undeniable, exciting, and your life will never be the same again.

Abundance is a feeling first.  Experience second.  So work your thoughts until you feel it and the abundance that is yours to claim will show up!


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