I think you need to hear something that maybe you’ve heard a million times before, or never at all, but today I hope that it lands on your heart where you can really absorb the intensity and truth of my words.

You are not only qualified to answer the calling of your soul to be a divine messenger and inspirer to uplift and awaken this world,

You are the BEST person for the job.

I want you to really get this in your bones.  God didn’t hand out your calling to 100 people hoping that someone would jump on it.  He appointed it to you and you alone.

There is nobody else who can fulfill your purpose.

There is nobody else who can tell your story, teach your sermon, inspire your people, or connect to your audience the way you can.

There is nobody else who can take your place and serve your mission.

You were born for this purpose.

You were born to give, to serve, to share, and to shine.

And I get it….it’s pretty intimidating to actually admit that you are the best at what you’ve been called to do.  Especially when you see what others have already accomplished and how long they’ve been at their purpose work.

Your disillusioned mind is pretty convinced that admitting that you are THE BEST is self-centered, who are you to say such a thing?  What would people think if they only knew you thought so highly of yourself?

They would believe you…that’s what.

The first person who must believe in you before anyone else is going to…is YOU.

If you think that maybe someday, when you’ve had more practice, more training, more clients, more FB likes, a bigger audience, more confidence, and more followers…more, more, more…before you crown yourself queen of your message, then your audience will be waiting until someday.

Guess what?  Someday will never come.

You’ll always be waiting for something else to change or to happen before you feel worthy.

Worthiness is an inside job.

Here’s the great news about feeling worthy.  When you understand the level of life that is available to express through you at any given time as you show up for your mission, you can’t help but feel worthy.

Because it is not the physical you that is making anything happen.  All the planning, learning, thinking, and all the other human stuff that we do to put our success into action isn’t really all that important.

What is more vital than anything is the connection that you maintain with Life and the level at which you allow that Life to express through you.

You aren’t doing anything.  You are being done.

Do you get that?

You are being done.

If you are really showing up for your purpose work, to deliver the message you were born to speak, then you are being spoken.

And the only thing that you can do is either agree to become a channel, or get in the way.

Those are the only two options.

Of course, who would choose to get in the way?  But you choose that almost every day in some fashion.

You get in the way by judging your message.  You get in the way by doubting your worth.  You get in the way by holding back and not showing up the way you know you must.

You get in the way by waiting for something outside of your to change or for yourself to feel better or more confident before you take massive action towards your dreams.

You get in the way by taking some kind of action, but not the RIGHT kind of action, because you want to feel purposeful but you are really just hiding out.

You end up showing up and hiding out at the same time, and then wondering why you aren’t getting the results that you want.

Because you don’t have the energy behind the actions.

You don’t have the belief.

Believing in your small self is impossible.  And that’s what you’ve been trying to do before now.

You’ve been trying to believe in the version of you that has fears, doubts, worries, insecurities.  You’ve been trying to believe in the version of you that is trying to protect your tiny human life and the safety of your image.

That you must die in order for the real you to emerge.

The Real You sees past all the fears that are holding you back.  The Real You already knows that you have what it takes and then some, so there are no worries, doubts, or insecurities from that level.  She’s confident AF because she’s seen the vision and knows that you’re already rocking it hard core.

The Real You is helping you take down the walls of this tiny human life to demonstrate to you what is on the other side.

There is infinite creative wisdom on the other side of your self doubt.

There is pure potential on the other side of your self doubt.

There is everything you’ve ever wanted, right here, right now, invisible to your human eyes but available nonetheless.

Maybe you’ve doubted because you can’t see past those bricks you’ve piled on one after the other until the wall blocked your vision and made you think this is all that there is.

But you forgot that you actually built that wall.  

You know what that means?

There’s a part of you that KNOWS what’s on the other side.  She’s seen it.

When you forget just who the heck you are, close your eyes, tune into the higher version of yourself, and ASK HER.

She will tell you.  She will show you.  She will light you up with remembrance.

Take action from that place of power; from the power of your higher self who really is more than capable of running the show.

And you really will see, maybe for the first time (but definitely not for the last), that you are the best at what you do and who you are.

Hold onto that vibe.

When you feel it, own it.

And return back to it multiple times daily.

This is how you awaken more and more to your divine message and your ability to deliver it with confidence.






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