Why Are You Settling When You Know It’s All Possible?

Why are you allowing doubt to fill your marvelous mind when you know you’re all powerful?

Why do you let worry occupy your space when you know you’re always taken care of?

What purpose do you feel the fear you carry serves when everything always has been and always will be perfect?

Why are you acting like your struggle is ok, normal, regular, just something that you have to go through?

The instant that you set the intention for something you want to manifest, it is already available for you in vibrational form. And if you want to get technical, it’s available even before you ask. That’s how awesome God is.

Ask. Given. Done.

Remind yourself of this a million times if you have to. It will be time well spent. Because once you get over your self-imposed limitations, all of your desires will just flow in.

You are standing in your way. And it’s time you stop!

Because God is too good and life is too short and there are things to create and experience.

So do the work already. Be determined enough to do what it takes. Be faithful enough to let it all go. Be certain enough to ask in the first place.

Do you understand that you work is the inner work? You don’t have to worry about how, when, where from….

None of that is your concern.

You just choose from the infinite selection of options available…Yes! I’d like to have that…and that would be nice, with a side of this please and thank you!

And then you clear away the cobwebs that prevent you from experiencing those things until….well until you experience them!

Because once you clear the cobwebs, the physical manifestation has to come! It’s been here all along just waiting for you to tune in Oklahoma!

And of course you show up for life. Of course you’re not expecting things to just magically appear! Because where’s the fun in that?? You knew you wanted to be an active participant in your life.

So show up and do the thing….

But most importantly, check your vibe minutely if that’s what it takes to make sure that you’re alignment is on point.

This is where most people struggle and give up. They say it’s too hard or it doesn’t work or that THEY can’t do it.

And that breaks my heart to hear because it’s just not true. We’re all here right now as brothers and sisters of the Universe to have fun evolving spiritually as we play and create and mold our lives to what we want it to look like!

To choose, to create, to experience, to play!

What would you create if you lived life this way?

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